entering actuals changes duration uncorrectly



It will be easier to explain the problem that I am facing through an

Lets say I have a task (Install a pull-down screen) which takes 1.5hr
with 1 resource. Suppose I assign 2 resources to it, so it should
finish in 45min with effort-driven turned on. Also, the task has fixed
units = 100units. Also, this task has a predecessor.

Now the resources finished the task in 30min and they enter these
actual numbers. However, when the Project updates the information, it
changes the duration to 0.9hrs (54min). I don't understand why it does
that when it should adjust the duration to 30min.

Does anybody know the reason why Project does that? I would appreciate
your response.

Thank you.


Jan De Messemaeker

Where do they enter 30 min?
Did they also enter remaining work=0?
This can be done in many ways and you may have a different duration each
If you can uncypher my e-mail address you may send me the file if you like.
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
Project Management Consultancy
Prom+ade BVBA
32-495-300 620

Gérard Ducouret

Hello Babar,

Need some more information :
"Task has fixed units = 100units." : do you mean 100% for each resource ?
"The resources finished the task in 30min " : 30 mn Duration or 30mn Work
each resource ?
Where did you enter these 30 min : in the Work column at the task level, or
at the resource level ?

Gérard Ducouret


Hi Mr. Ducouret,
Here is the info that you requested:
1- Yes, by fixed units = 100, I meant that each resource works 100% on
that task.
2- 30min: The resources sent the actual time they worked on the task.
So, it is 30min Work for each resource. But they worked together so
Effort-driven feature was turned on.
3- The 30min were entered at the resource level through PWA.

Thank you once again. I look forward to hearing from you.


Hi Mr Messemaeker,
Here is the info that you requested:

1- Each resource enters the 30min through PWA.
2- Yes, they entered remaining work = 0.

My only concern is that if both resources (for this task) work for
30min, shouldn't the duration for the task change to 30min as well
since they work in-tandem and the effort-driven feature is turned on?

I apologize but I don't think I can send you the file. It has some
company confidential info that I cannot share.

Thank you once again and I look forward to your response.


Jan De Messemaeker

Hi again,

Two possibilities to handle this mystery:

1. You select the task by clicking on the ID (such that the whole task row
is blackened), copy, then paste it into a blank project you send me. Obene
task can't be that coinfidential!

2. Or, you go to tools, options, view, and select a date format inclusing
time of day.
Then you go to task usage and make sure you see both assignments.
Now double-click on each and note start and end time, and assignment units.
This will explain everything:

- Either the process of time registration through PWA has changed units (I
do not know PWA so I can't dwell any further on this)
- Or there is a 24 min shift between the start of one vs the other such that
total duration (difference finsh-start) is now 54 minutes.

You tell me what? Thx.


Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
Project Management Consultancy
Prom+ade BVBA
32-495-300 620


Thank you for your reply. Here is what is happening.

- As I told you earlier, both resources are supposed to work together.
I assumed if they are working together, they would be working at the
same time.
- They both worked 100units.
- However, what is happening is that Resource 1 starts the task at
11.58am and finishes it at 1.28pm (30min) and Resource 2 starts the
task at 1.22pm and finishes it at 1.52pm (30min). As you see, both
resources work for 30min but at different times. How do you resolve
this issue?
- Also, when I scheduled the tasks, I assumed that resources would be
working at the same time since effort-driven is turned on. Now I
realize that as some resources might be working on other tasks, they
first need to finish those tasks first and then they can start on the
next task.

Is there a better way of scheduling tasks that you might suggest?

Thank you.

Steve House

You have them cooridnate their data entry. Of course, if they really DID
work those times as input, your 54 minute duration is historically accurate
and so it should stand. Heck, if they worked separately one of them could
work 30 minutes first thing Monday morning, the other 30 minutes late Friday
afternoon and you'd have a task showing an actual duration of 5 days with 1
man-hour of actual work, a 100% accurate representation of what occured in
the real world.

FYI - "effort driven" does NOT mean the resources must work together. It
mean that when I add a resource to a task that already has a resource
assigned, the work for the task remains constant and is pro-rated between
the resources. Joe is on the task for 40 man-hours. I add Bill. Project
distributes the work so Joe now does 20 and Bill does 20. Non-effort driven
means Project will replicate the work and show Joe still at 40 and Bill at
40 for a task total of 80.

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