Alice Roman
I was able to enter a cost for a hardware expense on the resource
sheet. But I'm now trying to enter a cost for a travel expense and
the field won't let me enter a value there, not even in the task
infomration cost sheet view - why not? See last line of screen copy
"$12,000.00" Type: Cost Cost "$70,000.00"
Budget Travel Cost "$30,000.00" BgtTvl Travel
Budget Hardware Cost "$40,000.00" BgtHW HW
"$12,000.00" Expense Hardware Cost EH HW
$0.00 Expense Travel Cost ET Travel
sheet. But I'm now trying to enter a cost for a travel expense and
the field won't let me enter a value there, not even in the task
infomration cost sheet view - why not? See last line of screen copy
"$12,000.00" Type: Cost Cost "$70,000.00"
Budget Travel Cost "$30,000.00" BgtTvl Travel
Budget Hardware Cost "$40,000.00" BgtHW HW
"$12,000.00" Expense Hardware Cost EH HW
$0.00 Expense Travel Cost ET Travel