Hi, I have the following data structure. One sr contains 20 different nums
in nums field. Instead writing sr (here 1) again and again 20 times, what I
should do to generate sr.no. twenty times automatically and after entering 20
nums it should increment by sr+1.
mytbl is
sr nums
1 25
1 46
1 35
1 42
1 59
1 38
1 65
1 74
2 48
2 36
2 45
in nums field. Instead writing sr (here 1) again and again 20 times, what I
should do to generate sr.no. twenty times automatically and after entering 20
nums it should increment by sr+1.
mytbl is
sr nums
1 25
1 46
1 35
1 42
1 59
1 38
1 65
1 74
2 48
2 36
2 45