Entering data repetively



I have a database about an american football game. Specifically it is just
entering information about special teams plays. (kickoff, kickoff return,
punt, punt return)
It contains 2 main tables. The first is called "play", it consists of
information regarding each play of the game, for example down, distance,
yardline, etc...
The second table is called "stats". There is a record for each record in
"play" It consists of information about each of the 11 players on the field
on 1 side of the football and what they did during that play. For example:
playernamelookup, positionlookup, tackle, coverage grade,block, etc... It is
linked to "play" using playid.

It has 2 more tables 'player' and 'position' as you can see these tables are
used as lookups in the player table to eliminate repetative data entry.

The challenge that I am having is that for example if the play that I am
entering is a kickoff there are 11 positions and they are the exact same
position name every time. The player playing that position is the same 90% of
the time. Then I go to a punt play and I want to enter the information for a
punt team and the names of those 11 positions are different then the kickoff
but they will be the same for every punt play. The players playing those
positions will be different then the names of the guys on the kickoff but 90%
of themwill be the same for each punt.

I am trying to eliminate selecting all 11 positions on a punt play every
time and then selecting all 11 players each time and having to switch again
when I enter a kickoff. It gets repetitive.

I am trying my best to explain this in writing. I hope someone can
understand my difficulty and I appreciate your help.

I enter the information via a form with "play" info that contains a subform
of "stats" in datasheet view.

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