My input box prompts for MM/YY and then I search for that date in column A.
The dates in column A are in MMMM YYYY format and the actual date is always
the first of that month.
When I tried to search using the results of the input box I got nothing -
because when I type in 10/07 Excel thinks I mean 10/07/2007. So I had to
convert the input to a valid date and make sure it was the first of the month.
Here's my code for the whole thing. Is there a better way for me to do this?
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim EnterDate As String
Dim FindDate As Date
Dim GoHere As Range
' Prompt user for month and year
EnterDate = InputBox( _
"Enter the Month and Year for the data" & _
" being entered (mm/yy)", _
"Enter MM/YY format", Month(Now()) - 1 & "/" & Right(Year(Now()), 2))
' If date entered is not valid display error msg then display input box
Do While Not IsDate(EnterDate) And EnterDate <> ""
MsgBox "The value entered is not a date. Please try again."
EnterDate = InputBox("Enter the Month and Year for the data " & _
"being entered (mm/yyyy)", "Enter MM/YYYY format", _
Month(Now()) - 1 & "/" & Right(Year(Now()), 2))
' Change date to use for searching to be the first of the month entered
If EnterDate = "" Then
MsgBox "User Cancelled"
FindDate = Left(EnterDate, InStr(1, EnterDate, "/") - 1) & "/1/" &
Right(EnterDate, 2)
' Go look in column A for the matching date, move to that cell the
move right two cells
Set rng = Columns(1).Cells
res = Application.Match(CLng(FindDate), rng, 0)
If Not IsError(res) Then
Set GoHere = rng(res)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select
MsgBox FindDate & " not found"
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "This is not a date."
End Sub
As always I greatly appreciate the help I get here!!
Lauri S.
The dates in column A are in MMMM YYYY format and the actual date is always
the first of that month.
When I tried to search using the results of the input box I got nothing -
because when I type in 10/07 Excel thinks I mean 10/07/2007. So I had to
convert the input to a valid date and make sure it was the first of the month.
Here's my code for the whole thing. Is there a better way for me to do this?
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim EnterDate As String
Dim FindDate As Date
Dim GoHere As Range
' Prompt user for month and year
EnterDate = InputBox( _
"Enter the Month and Year for the data" & _
" being entered (mm/yy)", _
"Enter MM/YY format", Month(Now()) - 1 & "/" & Right(Year(Now()), 2))
' If date entered is not valid display error msg then display input box
Do While Not IsDate(EnterDate) And EnterDate <> ""
MsgBox "The value entered is not a date. Please try again."
EnterDate = InputBox("Enter the Month and Year for the data " & _
"being entered (mm/yyyy)", "Enter MM/YYYY format", _
Month(Now()) - 1 & "/" & Right(Year(Now()), 2))
' Change date to use for searching to be the first of the month entered
If EnterDate = "" Then
MsgBox "User Cancelled"
FindDate = Left(EnterDate, InStr(1, EnterDate, "/") - 1) & "/1/" &
Right(EnterDate, 2)
' Go look in column A for the matching date, move to that cell the
move right two cells
Set rng = Columns(1).Cells
res = Application.Match(CLng(FindDate), rng, 0)
If Not IsError(res) Then
Set GoHere = rng(res)
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select
MsgBox FindDate & " not found"
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "This is not a date."
End Sub
As always I greatly appreciate the help I get here!!
Lauri S.