I'm not sure I can explain this right but here goes
nothing. I will try to make it all as simple as I
possibly can and not explain all the details and
complicated calculations.
Let's say on Sheet1 I have sets values AA, BB, CC, and DD
in cells B2to B5 and added/totaled in B7. Then on Sheet2
values EE, FF, GG, HH and II in cells B2-B6 totaled in
B8. Then Sheet3 has JJ, KK, and LL in cells B2-B4 and
totaled in B6. Then Sheet4 has values MM and NN in cells
B2 and B3 and multiplied into cell B5. Each of the
totaled cells in each sheet then has other calculations
made off of them making each sheet have it's own meaning
and purpose..like certain costs grouped together and money
coming in from certain types of work.etc. Now on Sheet5 I
have SUM== Sheet 1 B7 in cell D2 and Sheet 2 B8 in cell D3
totaled in D4 ...Sheet3 B6 is in cell D7 and Sheet4 B4 in
cell D8 and totaled in D10. Then the difference between
D4 and D10 is totaled in D13. Lets say that there is
some information that changes often which affects the
sheet that it is on as well as the final one Sheet5 for
example value AA or MM. Then lets correspond the cells
values AA in Sheet1 B2 to Sheet5 C2 effecting D2 and value
MM in Sheet4 B2 with Sheet5 C8 effecting D8.
Question 1
Now is there a way to make it possible to change the
values of AA and MM from both of the sheets with it making
the changes on both sheets without having to go back and
forth between the sheets...for example having a value for
MM go from 500 to 200 on Sheet 4 and it effecting Sheet5
and later change MM from that 200 to 300 on Sheet5 and it
changing Sheet 4..???
Question 2
How do you divide and subtract..right now I am using the
Number 2 box in the functions dialog box to get the
results I want.for subtraction I do a neg. and for divide
I use fractions like 1/12 to get a monthly view of the
Question 3
What exactly can you do with the Number boxes ...can you
use those value in other equations or what besides getting
values from different sections of the spreadsheet..?
I can't remember any of the other questions I have at the
moment so please let me know if and how I can contact you
concerning this if I have any other questions so I don't
have to re-explain all of it ...I hope this is all clear
and someone can help..Thanks in advance!
nothing. I will try to make it all as simple as I
possibly can and not explain all the details and
complicated calculations.
Let's say on Sheet1 I have sets values AA, BB, CC, and DD
in cells B2to B5 and added/totaled in B7. Then on Sheet2
values EE, FF, GG, HH and II in cells B2-B6 totaled in
B8. Then Sheet3 has JJ, KK, and LL in cells B2-B4 and
totaled in B6. Then Sheet4 has values MM and NN in cells
B2 and B3 and multiplied into cell B5. Each of the
totaled cells in each sheet then has other calculations
made off of them making each sheet have it's own meaning
and purpose..like certain costs grouped together and money
coming in from certain types of work.etc. Now on Sheet5 I
have SUM== Sheet 1 B7 in cell D2 and Sheet 2 B8 in cell D3
totaled in D4 ...Sheet3 B6 is in cell D7 and Sheet4 B4 in
cell D8 and totaled in D10. Then the difference between
D4 and D10 is totaled in D13. Lets say that there is
some information that changes often which affects the
sheet that it is on as well as the final one Sheet5 for
example value AA or MM. Then lets correspond the cells
values AA in Sheet1 B2 to Sheet5 C2 effecting D2 and value
MM in Sheet4 B2 with Sheet5 C8 effecting D8.
Question 1
Now is there a way to make it possible to change the
values of AA and MM from both of the sheets with it making
the changes on both sheets without having to go back and
forth between the sheets...for example having a value for
MM go from 500 to 200 on Sheet 4 and it effecting Sheet5
and later change MM from that 200 to 300 on Sheet5 and it
changing Sheet 4..???
Question 2
How do you divide and subtract..right now I am using the
Number 2 box in the functions dialog box to get the
results I want.for subtraction I do a neg. and for divide
I use fractions like 1/12 to get a monthly view of the
Question 3
What exactly can you do with the Number boxes ...can you
use those value in other equations or what besides getting
values from different sections of the spreadsheet..?
I can't remember any of the other questions I have at the
moment so please let me know if and how I can contact you
concerning this if I have any other questions so I don't
have to re-explain all of it ...I hope this is all clear
and someone can help..Thanks in advance!