I'm currently using Project 2003 and Project Server 2003.
Why is it that when I enter the following formula in a custom text field,
found in the
Server 2003 Application Configuration Guide, I get an error on any
schedule that doesn't have a baseline set. I would expect to get a
"No baseline" message returned instead I get a #Error.
Switch(Len(CStr([Baseline Finish]))<3,"No
baseline",Projdatediff(Baseline finish],[Finish])/480>=5,"Late by
more than 5 days",ProjDateDiff([Baseline
Finish],[Finish])/480>0,"late",True,"On Schedule")
Why is it that when I enter the following formula in a custom text field,
found in the
Server 2003 Application Configuration Guide, I get an error on any
schedule that doesn't have a baseline set. I would expect to get a
"No baseline" message returned instead I get a #Error.
Switch(Len(CStr([Baseline Finish]))<3,"No
baseline",Projdatediff(Baseline finish],[Finish])/480>=5,"Late by
more than 5 days",ProjDateDiff([Baseline
Finish],[Finish])/480>0,"late",True,"On Schedule")