Enterprise flags and bar styles.



I am using MSP 2007, and I am trying to greate a schedule template for all of
my planners to base their schedules on, I would like to control the bar
styles using Enterprise fields that I created in PWA (as to avoid conflicting
with fields that may already be in use on individual schedules) So my problem
seems to be that the bar styles do not allow me to select from enterprise
flags that I have created in PWA.

is it possible to drive the bar styles using the flags created as enterprise
in PWA???

Thanks as usual!!!!

Dale Howard [MVP]

Eric H --

Just a wild idea, but what if you create local Flag files in the enterprise
project template that "read" the corresponding enterprise Flag fields? I
have not had time to try this, but it's a thought anyway.


there are too many possibilites for the potential other field, our old way
was each planner had their own fields applied but the variety of planners,
variety of scheules, so I was trying to unify the precess and make it use the
enterprise fields in one view and allow our planners to keep the other views
as they are.

to explain a little, we have 8 individual organizations that are responsible
for their own schedules and each Organization Chief has a view they prefer.
however, all 8 fall under the perview of one central "god"... So god says "I
don't care how you show your schedules to yourself, but when you show it to
me it better look like this." so my attempt is to make a single view that
every schedule will add to their existing views and it will contain at the
least, a set of required fields and will appear a certain way.... So to
create this I was forced in to universal fields (enterprise fields) and now
need to drive the appearance of the Gantt for "god's view"... Dale U 'DA
MAN!!! hopefully see you in May...


Dale Howard [MVP]

Eric --

Thank you for your kind thoughts. I'm not sure if you are asking a follow
up question. If so, please let me know. Thanks!


Yes, my question continues, I'm still hoping to use the enterprise flag
fields to drive the bar styles instead of using just the local flag fields,
it there any other possibility?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Eric --

No, there is no direct way to use enterprise flag fields to drive bar
styles. The workarounds would include my original suggestion, using local
fields with a formula that "reads" a corresponding enterprise flag field, or
perhaps writing custom code in VBA to manually format the bar styles. Hope
this helps.

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