Dear Siva-pmo
The enterprise global template (enterprise global template: A
collection of default settings, such as views, tables, and fields, that
are used by all projects across the organization. These settings exist
within a special project in Project Server.) is a collection of default
settings, such as views (view: The combination of one or more views
[Gantt Chart, Resource Sheet, and so on] and if applicable, a table and
a filter. Use views to work with information in a variety of formats.
There are three types of views: Charts or graphs, Sheets, and Forms.),
tables (table: A set of columns that shows specific information about
tasks, resources, and assignments in a sheet view.), and fields (field:
A location in a sheet, form, or chart that contains a specific kind of
information about a task, resource, or assignment. For example, in a
sheet, each column is a field. In a form, a field is a named box or a
place in a column.) that are used by all projects across the
organization. These settings exist within a special project on
Microsoft Office Project Server 2003 and are used in all of the
organization's projects. The enterprise global template ensures that
all projects within an organization adhere to standards, such as a
common use of views, tables, and fields.
See this or Project server resource kit if you need to know more about
Enterprise global.
***** checked out enterprize global means that someone had opend the
global template for editing. It is just like an VSS checkout. Now
when user will save changes and close project professional. Project
server will automatically save and checked IT in. To learn more see
the link below.