Enterprise Outline Codes -- tasks across projects


Andy Novak

I currently use master projects and use external links between the
"sub" projects. I also use mpps. I also use a Resource Pool. What I
really like about this is I can open the Master and Resource Pool;
then any filters or reporting I do (even by resource) cuts across all
projects. For example, I have certain tasks on each project that have
to do with environment downtimes. I assign the literal "availability"
to each applicable task in all the projects, then create a filter that
shows all of those across the entire project list.

This leads up to my question. I did some testing recently in the
Project Server. Loaded an enterprise resource pool, and a handful of
projects. I then created a few enterprise outline codes. I would
like to either use one of the text fields or enterprise outline codes
(preferred) to bring up a list of particular tasks in a view.

However, when I go to the project center, I notice that although the
PROJECT LIST is customizable based on enterprise outline code, each
project an only by opened individually. I know master projects are
considered "dinosaurs" compared to project server, but the basic
functionality I enjoy with master projects isn't here.

What am I missing? Basically I want to categorize tasks and create a
view in project server that will list all the tasks that belong to
that category ACROSS PROJECTS.

Andy Novak
University of North Texas

Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --

In Project Server 2003, you can open master projects through the Project
Center by doing the following:

1. Using the Control key, select one or more projects by clicking in any
column other than the Project Name column
2. Click the Open button on the Project Center toolbar

The system will open Microsoft Project Professional, log you into Project
Server, and then create a master project from your selected projects. You
cannot open a master project and view it within either the Project Center
views or the detailed Project views, however. Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
Denver, Colorado
"We wrote the book on Project Server"

Andy Novak


I guess what I was hoping to hear was that there is an optional
approach to master projects within the web that would provide the same
capability (i.e., create a view that cuts across projects).

What about the Portfolio Analyzer, cubes, etc.? Would these tools
provide the same functionality I was using master projects for?


Bryan Minihan

I'm interested in the same thing, Gary, and have heard
that Portfolio Analyzer will do what you want, with the
right outline codes in the right place.

That's all I've heard tho, so if you find an answer I'm
intensely interested as well.
-----Original Message-----

I guess what I was hoping to hear was that there is an optional
approach to master projects within the web that would provide the same
capability (i.e., create a view that cuts across projects).

What about the Portfolio Analyzer, cubes, etc.? Would these tools
provide the same functionality I was using master projects for?


"Dale Howard [MVP]" <dale(dot)howard(at)
msprojectexperts.com> wrote in message

Dale Howard [MVP]

Andy --

Yes, the Portfolio Analzyer can definitely do summarization of project and
resource information across the entire portflio of projects, or only for a
selected number of projects, such as those found in a master project. You
cannot view task-level information in the Portfolio Analyzer, however,
without doing custom development work. Hope this helps.

Lars Hammarberg

WARNING - PLUG!!!!!!!!!

We've created a number of task-level cross-project Gantt charts i pwa 2002
as well as 2003 - mostly milestone charts but also various versions of phase
related summaries.
If you're interested in purchasing a custom solution, please send me a note
and I'll pass it on to implementation staff.


/Lars Hammarberg
MSProject Premier Partner

replies have to remove the nospam-bit from my address

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