I downloaded and installed the Mac 11.3.5 Update. I tried to use the
referenced script to check what was updated.
I must be doing something wrong. As I have noted before, I downloaded the
FindOfficeVersion ³application² to my desktop.
When I doubleclick it, I get the following message ³An error of type - 10814
Has occurred². I get the same message whether the application is on the
Desktop, a Finder window or on the Dock. As you previously noted I made sure I
downloaded the
³script application² and not the ³compiled script². I have downloaded several
of the other favorite scripts and they all work OK.
Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks, John
I believe this is a Finder error. I searched Google and saw this on the
The -10814 error means that the OS couldn't find the SpamSieve application.
For users who installed Mail Scripts after installing the latest Security
Update from Apple, running the scripts from the script menus in Mail and
Address Book will generate an error -10814. I am currently testing an
updated version which works around this issue. In the meantime, the scripts
should run fine from the menus after they have been run from the Finder (by
double-clicking each of the individual applications located in
/Applications/Mail Scripts/)
Test the script in a new User.
1. Drag the script to your Shared folder
2. create a new User in System Preferences
3. log into the new user
4. drag the script from Shared to the desktop and run
Does it work in the new User? If yes,then there is a problem in your User¹s
folder. If no, then it indicates a system wide problem. First try running
the Combo updater from Apple. If that doesn¹t work you might need to do a
Archive & Install.
Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
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