Entourage 2004 and Leopard


Rudolf Hecken

Since I installed Leopard I am no longer able to receive e-mail although
sending e-mail works. The Inbox only shows received e-mails that are from a
date before I did the update. Can anyone give me a hint. I am struggling
with this issue for since day one!
Thanks in advance for your help.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Rudolf Hecken said:
Since I installed Leopard I am no longer able to receive e-mail although
sending e-mail works. The Inbox only shows received e-mails that are from a
date before I did the update. Can anyone give me a hint. I am struggling
with this issue for since day one!

Could it be a DNS issue?? That would explain why the app fails to get
e-mails from your server.
(I experienced something like that when I had forgotten to properly set
the WINS server in my preferences for instance - Entourage could not
find the local server anymore)


Rudolf Hecken

Thank you for the hint, Corentin.
Where or in which preferences would I need to set the WINS server address?

Corentin Cras-Méneur wrote on 11/6/07 5:26 PM

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Rudolf Hecken said:
Thank you for the hint, Corentin.
Where or in which preferences would I need to set the WINS server address?

It's in the advanced options of the Network prefpane in Leopard (It used
to be in Directory Access.app under Tiger).


Rudolf Hecken

Thank you again for your help, Corentin.
In the meantime I was able to get the receiving and sending operation
working on my iMac but only after I disabled the old MUD and have Entourage
build a new one. It worked perfectly then under 10.5.
Now, can anyone of you genius's give me a hint what I could/should do with
prefs or caches or what else in order to retain my old Inbox (having some
important mail in hold) and even more important the Entourage Address Book.
Where could I read up on that?
Anybody who has a good idea how to do that is warmly welcome to help.

Corentin Cras-Méneur wrote on 11/7/07 11:31 AM

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Rudolf Hecken said:
Thank you again for your help, Corentin.
In the meantime I was able to get the receiving and sending operation
working on my iMac but only after I disabled the old MUD and have Entourage
build a new one. It worked perfectly then under 10.5.

That's weird..... I wonder what in the old MUD was preventing sending
Now, can anyone of you genius's give me a hint what I could/should do with
prefs or caches or what else in order to retain my old Inbox (having some
important mail in hold) and even more important the Entourage Address Book.
Where could I read up on that?

Before you try something as drastic, did you try rebuilding the database
first? (make sure Entourage is fully up to date, then press the alt key
as you launch Entourage)
If the problem is related to some sort of corruption in the database,
that sounds like something worth trying,


Rudolf Hecken

Well the thing is weird indeed. Too make it more interesting: During the
course of the day and after a shut down of the computer and re-inserting and
substituting the previous MUD (which contained the old address book and
Inbox, I suppose) Entourage works fine again the way I had it before.
So, thank you for your tips! It give me peace of mind having you MVP 'on
Keep it up!

Corentin Cras-Méneur wrote on 11/7/07 7:02 PM

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Rudolf Hecken said:
Well the thing is weird indeed. Too make it more interesting: During the
course of the day and after a shut down of the computer and re-inserting and
substituting the previous MUD (which contained the old address book and
Inbox, I suppose) Entourage works fine again the way I had it before.
So, thank you for your tips! It give me peace of mind having you MVP 'on

In any case, I'm glad the problem went away (though I still wonder what
was going on) :)


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