Entourage 2004 & I Hate Spam on Exchange Server



We are running an Exchange Server and using a spam filter product
called I Hate Spam on incoming emails. I believe the Exchange Server
is running Win 2000 and similar for Exchange. I just upgraded from
Entourage X to 2004 and set it up to connect with the Exchange Server.
My problem is this: The automatically created Spam folder (created by
I Hate Spam) at the top level does not show up in my folder list for
the Exchange email account. Of course, neither do the sub-folders that
I Hate Spam creates, Blacklist, Whitelist, and Quarantine. However, if
I change my connection type to use IMAP instead, the all the I Hate
Spam created folders appear and I am ablel to subscribe and view the
contents. Anybody run into this and have a solution? Any suggestion?
Thanks in advance.

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