Entourage 2004 with SR 11.3.3 will not Launch



I use my iMac Intel for both personal and business use. Recently, when
I log out of my personal user and log into my business user, I find
that Entourage will not launch from the Dock or Application folder. I
have to restart my iMac to get Entourage to launch.

I currently have 75 GB of available HD space. I regularly verify and
compact both my personal and business Entourage DBs. (I trash the DB

My iMac Intel configuration is:
1.83 GHz/1GB RAM.160 GB HD/ SuperDrive using ADSL via Ethernet

Any assistance or information is appreciated.

Diane Ross

I use my iMac Intel for both personal and business use. Recently, when
I log out of my personal user and log into my business user, I find
that Entourage will not launch from the Dock or Application folder. I
have to restart my iMac to get Entourage to launch.

Hmmmm, not something I remember being reported.

Either remove Entourage preferences to test for corruption or test in a new
User. Testing in a new User will quickly tell you if the problem is system
wide or if it's your User's folder that contains the problem.


Microsoft/Entourage Preferences

Seemingly unrelated is an Apple OS update. You might need to download the
combo updater from Apple and run it again rather than using Software Update.
Doing so overwrites potentially problem-causing files. Several users have
reported this fixed some odd problems they were having with Entourage.

Mac OS X 10.4.8 Combo Update (Intel)

I currently have 75 GB of available HD space. I regularly verify and
compact both my personal and business Entourage DBs. (I trash the DB

It is not recommended that you rebuild your database as regular maintenance.
Rebuilding should not be considered as a substitute for an adequate backup.
You are encouraged to back up critical data on a regular basis. This tip
comes from an Entourage developer.
My iMac Intel configuration is:
1.83 GHz/1GB RAM.160 GB HD/ SuperDrive using ADSL via Ethernet

Get more RAM!!!!!

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
The Entourage Blog lists the EHP as one of the top five Microsoft Entourage

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