I'm disabled and using the computer is about the only thing I have left that
I can do. There is just so much TV you can watch, so I do this to help keep
me sane. If you feel that my helping other users is addictive I feel sorry
for you. Most of your comments on this newsgroup is not to give a solution
but to give your personal comments that are generally negative.
Boy, are you one for wanting everything certified and documented. BTW what
are your qualifications? I've been an MVP sinceEntouragewas released and
been part of the product development from the MVP side for every release.I
am the webmaster for theEntourageHelp Page that has had over 5 million
visitors. I get around 3000+ search a week. I'm also, along with William
Smith, the founder of theEntourageHelp Blog. Previously, I did support for
OneClick software. I have a Masters in Education. I used to coach soccer and
even had my referee's license. I've also been a general contractor and enjoy
designing houses. I even draw my own blueprints. Before I got sick I usedto
walk 5 miles a day.
Diane, I didn't realize you were disabled. Sorry to hear about that.
Yes, you're right, there is only so much TV you can watch in a day so
volunteerism is a great way to add to your day.
I guess the reason I responded like that was that you seemed to be
putting down that IT manager. I've simply noticed that when people
develop their own strategy, which sounds reasonable, you'll question
that work. Its better that people do this than not. That's all.
In terms of my sounding negative and not coming up with a solution
unfortunately, for the stuff that I am commenting on, which is what
draws me to a thread, there isn't one so what I am doing is suggesting
a course of action so that the person doesn't end up in trouble
(workaround etc). Up until Entourage 08 I've never called Microsoft
tech support (not that I can recall) or even gone to Microsoft support
forums in 25 years of working in IT. I just never had any reason to
and I really wish I didn't. However, I do come to this group as I kind
of got interested in it as part of my daily reading ritual in the
morning (spend about 1.5 to 2.5 hours reading news of various types
before I start my day). You are addressing a fallback solution, which
is good, if the person does end up in a mess so there is no point on
me commenting on that so what I am doing is just outlining an approach
that would make it simple, or as simple as it can be as its going to
be messy no matter how you slice it, to implement so that when/if
something goes wrong there is a fast method for recovery.
As far as my academics go, I did my degrees in Pychology. I ended up
working though in the technology field and have worked in IT for 25
years. I worked at Bell Canada in Engineering in research and
development. From there I went to one of the big banks and became the
chief systems architect in Office Systems. I now work as an
independent consultant (it got tiring to work in the corporate world
but it was the politics that wore me out not the work).
I do a lot of volunteer work also so I'm a big believer in that. Its
not only provides something that is worthwhiled to a community but is
also a way of doing something that you enjoy. I actually really love
the volunteer work I do.
Finally, I wasn't saying you were an addict either. I was just trying
to emphasize that I could read something into a post here that is not
accurate but comment as if it were (as in the case of that IT manager
who might or might not be very experienced but has come across
something in Entourage that he didn't expect and thus sound baffled).