Entourage 2008 does not sync my "todos" to iSync


Bernt Månsson

I am using Entourage 2008 together with Missing Sync 4.02 to sync "my
stuff" to my Windows Mobile phone.

Since the Entourage 2008 plugin for Missing Sync is being revoked,
they recommend me to sync Entourage to Sync service (aka iSync). For
the exeption that categories and notes does not get synced everything
turned out pretty OK.

But there is one thing that doesn't get synced and that is all my
"follow ups", in Entourage called "todo". Tasks get synced OK.

Have I missed something, or isn't it possible to sync "todos" to Sync



Allen Watson

The "follow ups" are an Entourage-specific feature. Sync services does not
recognize them.

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