Entourage 2008 has started crashing frequently



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

12.1.5 installed since its release but beginning a week or two ago Entourage has started to crash maybe 2-3 times a day. Trigger point seems to be a 'mouse' click, typically to open an email. Any ideas?

Corentin Cras-Méneur

12.1.5 installed since its release but beginning a week or two ago
Entourage has started to crash maybe 2-3 times a day. Trigger point
seems to be a 'mouse' click, typically to open an email. Any ideas?

It could be a database corruption. Did you try relaunching ENtourage
rpessing the Option key down to rebuild the identity ??


Diane Ross

It could be a database corruption. Did you try relaunching ENtourage
rpessing the Option key down to rebuild the identity ??

Since this is Exchange, you might want to test in a new Identity first to
verify if it's database corruption.


It could be a database corruption. Did you try relaunching ENtourage
rpessing the Option key down to rebuild the identity ??

Since this is Exchange, you might want to test in a new Identity first to
verify if it's database corruption.

Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0

Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2009-03-14 06:55:51 -0400
Application Name: Microsoft Entourage
Application Bundle ID: com.microsoft.Entourage
Application Signature: OPIM
Application Version:
Crashed Module Name: WebCore
Crashed Module Version: unknown
Crashed Module Offset: 0x0002c056
Blame Module Name: WebCore
Blame Module Version: unknown
Blame Module Offset: 0x0002c056
Application LCID: 1033
Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409

Thread 0 crashed:

# 1 0x94b2e056 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x94214156 (WebCore + 0x0002c056)
# 2 0x94b0b7d4 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x941F18D4 (WebCore + 0x000097d4)
# 3 0x94ba102d in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x9428712D (WebCore + 0x0009f02d)
# 4 0x94ba0622 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x94286722 (WebCore + 0x0009e622)
# 5 0x94b84020 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x9426A120 (WebCore + 0x00082020)
# 6 0x94b83b02 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x94269C02 (WebCore + 0x00081b02)
# 7 0x94b9fbe2 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x94285CE2 (WebCore + 0x0009dbe2)
# 8 0x94b9fa49 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x94285B49 (WebCore + 0x0009da49)
# 9 0x94ba64da in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x9428C5DA (WebCore + 0x000a44da)
# 10 0x94b9f339 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x94285439 (WebCore + 0x0009d339)
# 11 0x94b9e970 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x94284A70 (WebCore + 0x0009c970)
# 12 0x94ba63d8 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x9428C4D8 (WebCore + 0x000a43d8)
# 13 0x94ba6233 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x9428C333 (WebCore + 0x000a4233)
# 14 0x94ba597e in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x9428BA7E (WebCore + 0x000a397e)
# 15 0x94b9bfad in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x942820AD (WebCore + 0x00099fad)
# 16 0x94b97173 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x9427D273 (WebCore + 0x00095173)
# 17 0x94b93177 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x94279277 (WebCore + 0x00091177)
# 18 0x94b41d9c in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x94227E9C (WebCore + 0x0003fd9c)
# 19 0x94b90f56 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x94277056 (WebCore + 0x0008ef56)
# 20 0x94b8f7bd in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x942758BD (WebCore + 0x0008d7bd)
# 21 0x94b3f1e6 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x942252E6 (WebCore + 0x0003d1e6)
# 22 0x94b8d5e7 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x942736E7 (WebCore + 0x0008b5e7)
# 23 0x90303d9d in .objc_class_name_WKAppKitDrawDecoyWindow + 0x90223E9D (WebKit + 0x0001ad9d)
# 24 0x90303cbd in .objc_class_name_WKAppKitDrawDecoyWindow + 0x90223DBD (WebKit + 0x0001acbd)
# 25 0x90303a5b in .objc_class_name_WKAppKitDrawDecoyWindow + 0x90223B5B (WebKit + 0x0001aa5b)
# 26 0x903039d9 in .objc_class_name_WKAppKitDrawDecoyWindow + 0x90223AD9 (WebKit + 0x0001a9d9)
# 27 0x94b89c86 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x9426FD86 (WebCore + 0x00087c86)
# 28 0x94b89815 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x9426F915 (WebCore + 0x00087815)
# 29 0x94b89767 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x9426F867 (WebCore + 0x00087767)
# 30 0x94b88987 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x9426EA87 (WebCore + 0x00086987)
# 31 0x94b88413 in .objc_class_name_WebScriptObjectPrivate + 0x9426E513 (WebCore + 0x00086413)
# 32 0x94b87fe8 in .objc_class_nam


This is as much of the data dump as would publish. I have the full data dump but no way to send. Any part of it of more value for me to send?

Diane Ross

Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0

Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2009-03-14 06:55:51 -0400
Application Name: Microsoft Entourage
Application Bundle ID: com.microsoft.Entourage
Application Signature: OPIM
Application Version:
Crashed Module Name: WebCore

This is plenty. These are for developers to decipher, but mere mortals like
us can sometimes get the gist of the problem. It appears the WebCore is the
problem. I'm not sure what this does, so I did a google search. The reports
I saw mostly involving Safari, it appears if you do a reinstall of the
software, it might fix the problem.

I would first download and run the Apple combo. Running the combo updater
overwrites potentially problem-causing files. Combo updaters will install on
the same version as they¹re applying‹no need to roll back or do a clean


Mac OS X 10.5.6 Combo Update
(For both PowerPC- and Intel-based Macs )

This might fix the problem with WebCore, but if not your next step is to
re-install Office:

Follow these steps to reinstall:

* Launch the Microsoft Autoupdater (MAU).To launch MAU, you can open any
Office application and select "Check for Updates" under Help in the Menu
bar. Once MAU is launched, select "Keep in Dock"
* Quit all Microsoft applications (Easy way: log out/in with Shift key down
to disable any startup items.) Be sure all applications are quit before
running updater. IMPORTANT
* Drag the Microsoft Office 2008 folder to the Trash.
* Empty Trash.
* Reinstall Office 2008 from your original installation disk.
* Restart
* Update to 12.1.0 (if you have a newer DVD you might only need the 12.1.5)
* Restart (restarting before you launch any app is important!)
* Update to 12.1.5
* Restart

Note: the AutoUpdater was replaced in the first updater so that should
already be updated. If you used "Remove Office" you would need to download
and install the Microsoft Auto Updater (MAU) for a complete re-install.
Check this location to be sure it's version 2.1.1.

The Office 2008 MAU is now hidden away.

/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/MAU2.0

Let me know if this solves the problem.

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