Entourage 2008 - How do I create a new sound set



I'm using Entourage 2008 and there's only one sound set available (the
default). There are two other people in my office all using the same
program and it would be very useful if we could create our own sound
sets so we know who it is who has just received mail!

I can't find any information or documentation about how we can create
our own sound sets in Entourage 2008.

Can anyone help?


Michel Bintener

See here for more details:


I'm using Entourage 2008 and there's only one sound set available (the
default). There are two other people in my office all using the same
program and it would be very useful if we could create our own sound
sets so we know who it is who has just received mail!

I can't find any information or documentation about how we can create
our own sound sets in Entourage 2008.

Can anyone help?


Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:mac (Entourage & Word)

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Funny you should ask. I just searched Google for "sound sets in
Entourage 2008", and the very first hit is:

Converting or Creating Sound Sets for Entourage 2008

Please consider searching before asking next time - that'll likely save
yourself some time, and save the rest of us the headache of doing web
searches for you.  ; )

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E-mail sent to this address may be devoured by my very hungry SPAM
filter. Due to Google's refusal to prevent spammers from posting
messages through their servers, I often ignore posts from Google
Groups. Use a real news client if you want me to see your posts.


Hi JR,

I did search, and I did find the site you've posted. However, not
everyone in the office is technically minded and I thought Microsoft
might have solved this problem by now with an easy solution. Obviously

I'm sorry if doing a simple websearch for me has caused you a
headache. Can I suggest a long lie down in a dark room? ;-)

Joking aside, the help I've receive from this forum has been most,
er..., helpful. May thanks.



Microsoft dropped the ball here. It was a feature of Ent 04 that was easy enough for an average user. This work-around cobble-up kluge isn't Microsoft's. Where is the feature that SHOULD be in Ent 08?

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