Entourage 2008 lose all calendar and tasks data after mark one taskas complete


Antonio Moreno

Yesterday on entourage 2008 (12.1.2) on my powerbook g4 1ghz, 1gb ram,
leopard 10.5.5, after mark one task as completed on the remainder window,
all the calendar data , and all the tasks; only the flagged emails remain as
Somebody knows what happened?

William Smith [MVP]

Antonio said:
Yesterday on entourage 2008 (12.1.2) on my powerbook g4 1ghz, 1gb ram,
leopard 10.5.5, after mark one task as completed on the remainder window,
all the calendar data , and all the tasks; only the flagged emails remain as
Somebody knows what happened?

Hi Antonio!

Can you please restate your questions? I'm not sure what you are asking.

You marked a task as complete and then what happened?



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