Entourage 2008 - Palm Sync


Art Shotwell

I sure can't figure out how to sync my Palm Tungstene with Entourage 2008.
Been working fine with Entourage 2004. Anyone got any suggestions???

Marty Mankins

I sure can't figure out how to sync my Palm Tungstene with Entourage 2008.
Been working fine with Entourage 2004. Anyone got any suggestions???

Art, we are all waiting for a solution that works under 2008. So far,
it's a mixed bag.

As Jolly Roger mentioned, tell Microsoft via the Send Feedback option
under the Help menu.

For now, until there's an update from MS or a third party, it's go
back to 2004 or don't sync.

- Marty


@->: (

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Microsoft decided not to include a Palm conduit in 2008. Rather they
are suggesting you use sync services. In conjunction with Missing
Sync's conduits it does work but it is super slow. Plus you loose a
lot. You can't sync notes and categories don't come across as these
aren't supported in sync services. The 2004 conduit will work with
2008 but it is pretty dated now. However it is fast. I've decided to
try there recommended approach of using sync services but I just can't
believe how slow it is. It will just be one sync a day.

Marty Mankins

The 2004 conduit will work with
2008 but it is pretty dated now. However it is fast.

Hi Kerry. I had contacted you via Gmail previously from a comment you
made out here last year.

As JR mentioned, the Handheld Sync Palm conduit that comes with
Entourage 2004 works with 2008??

If this is the case, then provide some details. All of us waiting to
upgrade are waiting with baited breath.

- Marty

Art Shotwell

Yeah, The best I¹ve been able to do is use sync services. Which sort of
works, but doesn¹t sync from Entourage Notes. And, now I have duplicates of
all my calendar events. I gotta figure out now how to wipe out my Palm
Calendars events, then re-sync. But, holding off Œtil we see if someone has
something better. Looks like MissingSync ends up using sync services, too,
so they don¹t appear to have an answer.


Yeah, The best I¹ve been able to do is use sync services. Which sort of
works, but doesn¹t sync from Entourage Notes. And, now I have duplicatesof
all my calendar events. I gotta figure out now how to wipe out my Palm
Calendars events, then re-sync. But, holding off Œtil we see if someone has
something better. Looks like MissingSync ends up using sync services, too,
so they don¹t appear to have an answer.

Yes I was syn'g using the Palm conduit in 2004 to 2008. I phoned MS
though because they told me there would be a Palm conduit in 2008. But
alas no. They said to use the 2004 conduit. That was fine. But then I
noticed in my apps folder I had both 2004 and 2008. They said it was
fine to remove 2004 using the remove all tools. So I did. It broke the
conduit. The next rep said no you need the 2004 app for the conduit to
work. I couldn't believe it. She said I would have to reinstall 2004
but may have to remove 2008 (she didn't really know). I then spoke to
a supervisor and the supervisor said in 2008 they decided to go with
Apple's architecture. She was surprised when I said the 2004 conduit
worked. So some bad training and for me it was a mess. So I'm trying
this sync services just to see what I think. But like I said you loose
a lot - speed (markspace has told me why) categories and notes sync.
I'm going to phone MS back to complain. Bad training.

Art Shotwell

I haven't figured out how to use the 2004 conduit to work with Entourage


I haven't figured out how to use the 2004 conduit to work with Entourage

I love my Mac, Entourage and my Treo.

I have always hesitated upgrading because you don't know what's going
to happen to printers, etc etc

I can't believe the mess I have to go through to sync my Treo.

Firstly, when I upgraded to Leopard and Office 20087 (same day, same
time, big mistake - Leopard is slow on my MacBook Pro dual core
2.33ghz) it seemed to Sync using iSync. I thought it was a bit crazy
having two databases of my contacts and calendar events, but ho-hum,
that's the price of not buying an iPhone and not using the Apple apps.

The syncing seemed to work for five days - then it wiped out my
contacts and calendar on my Treo.

Went to the Genius gallery at my local AppleStore (had to be an iSync
issue because everything synced beautifully from Entourage to the Mac

They told me to get Missing Sync because Leopard is not supported by
Palm desktop, and Entourage 2008 only uses Sync Services not the
Entourage conduit.

OK Guys, two days of experimentation and lots of f this, have produced
the following answer.

(BTW - the documentation from Missing Sync is minimal to help you in
the process to use Entourage 2008 - you have to work it out yourself).

1. Under no circumstances set up the iSync to sync with a Palm device
- Missing Sync will do that.
2. Just set up Entourage in preferences - sync services - to sync
with Mac stuff
3. Set up Missing Sync only to sync with the Palm device
4. Delete the "unfiled" calendar in iCal - it duplicates stuff up the
ying yang everywhere!
5. Still be prepared to delete stacks of duplicated events - if
anyone knows how to work around this please let us know
6. The first few syncs with Missing Sync will be slow, then they
speed up
7. It's a mess, and Microsoft should have a fix - but I think the
bottom line is that Apple want us to sync with an iPhone and that's

Art Shotwell

I love my Mac, Entourage and my Treo.

I have always hesitated upgrading because you don't know what's going
to happen to printers, etc etc

I can't believe the mess I have to go through to sync my Treo.

Firstly, when I upgraded to Leopard and Office 20087 (same day, same
time, big mistake - Leopard is slow on my MacBook Pro dual core
2.33ghz) it seemed to Sync using iSync. I thought it was a bit crazy
having two databases of my contacts and calendar events, but ho-hum,
that's the price of not buying an iPhone and not using the Apple apps.

The syncing seemed to work for five days - then it wiped out my
contacts and calendar on my Treo.

Went to the Genius gallery at my local AppleStore (had to be an iSync
issue because everything synced beautifully from Entourage to the Mac

They told me to get Missing Sync because Leopard is not supported by
Palm desktop, and Entourage 2008 only uses Sync Services not the
Entourage conduit.

OK Guys, two days of experimentation and lots of f this, have produced
the following answer.

(BTW - the documentation from Missing Sync is minimal to help you in
the process to use Entourage 2008 - you have to work it out yourself).

1. Under no circumstances set up the iSync to sync with a Palm device
- Missing Sync will do that.
2. Just set up Entourage in preferences - sync services - to sync
with Mac stuff
3. Set up Missing Sync only to sync with the Palm device
4. Delete the "unfiled" calendar in iCal - it duplicates stuff up the
ying yang everywhere!
5. Still be prepared to delete stacks of duplicated events - if
anyone knows how to work around this please let us know
6. The first few syncs with Missing Sync will be slow, then they
speed up
7. It's a mess, and Microsoft should have a fix - but I think the
bottom line is that Apple want us to sync with an iPhone and that's

I've got sync working... Sort of...via sync services & Palm's software. But,
the sort of:...It wants to add more than 900 events in the sync process and
the only choice is cancel or go ahead and add. Since I have a Nano, I tried
syncing to it through iTunes. Works just fine. No duplicates, etc. The only
solution I can come up with now is to abandon my Palm and go to the iPod
Touch. I don't know if the Touch permits changes to address book and
calendar. And, I don't really need to make changes except on my Mac, anyway.

My wife's been looking forward to Office 2008, but I won't install it on her
Mac until I get the syncing thing to actually work. She DOES need to make
changes on her Palm away from the office.

Art Shotwell

I love my Mac, Entourage and my Treo.

I have always hesitated upgrading because you don't know what's going
to happen to printers, etc etc

I can't believe the mess I have to go through to sync my Treo.

Firstly, when I upgraded to Leopard and Office 20087 (same day, same
time, big mistake - Leopard is slow on my MacBook Pro dual core
2.33ghz) it seemed to Sync using iSync. I thought it was a bit crazy
having two databases of my contacts and calendar events, but ho-hum,
that's the price of not buying an iPhone and not using the Apple apps.

The syncing seemed to work for five days - then it wiped out my
contacts and calendar on my Treo.

Went to the Genius gallery at my local AppleStore (had to be an iSync
issue because everything synced beautifully from Entourage to the Mac

They told me to get Missing Sync because Leopard is not supported by
Palm desktop, and Entourage 2008 only uses Sync Services not the
Entourage conduit.

OK Guys, two days of experimentation and lots of f this, have produced
the following answer.

(BTW - the documentation from Missing Sync is minimal to help you in
the process to use Entourage 2008 - you have to work it out yourself).

1. Under no circumstances set up the iSync to sync with a Palm device
- Missing Sync will do that.
2. Just set up Entourage in preferences - sync services - to sync
with Mac stuff
3. Set up Missing Sync only to sync with the Palm device
4. Delete the "unfiled" calendar in iCal - it duplicates stuff up the
ying yang everywhere!
5. Still be prepared to delete stacks of duplicated events - if
anyone knows how to work around this please let us know
6. The first few syncs with Missing Sync will be slow, then they
speed up
7. It's a mess, and Microsoft should have a fix - but I think the
bottom line is that Apple want us to sync with an iPhone and that's

BTW, I don't see what MissingSync does here that sync services + Palm
doesn't do.


How, exactly?

Note: Please send all responses to the relevant news group. If you
must contact me through e-mail, let me know when you send email to
this address so that your email doesn't get eaten by my SPAM filter.


I don't know. It just worked until the rep told me to uninstall 2004.
That broke the conduit. When I spoke to a supervisor she said
Microsoft's recommended approach to sync in 2008 is sync services. You
need to use Missing Sync for this. I told Microsoft that I was
informed there would be a conduit in 2008 before I bought the product.
After buying the product they said there wasn't an updated conduit and
you need to use the 2004 conduit. They suggested I provide feedback as
I indicated you loose a way too much using sync services - speed,
categories etc. I think Microsoft really botched this and when I told
the supervisor this she shrugged it off by saying Apple is a very
small part of Microsoft's business. That really says a lot about
Microsoft and their commitment to their customers.

Marty Mankins

The only
solution I can come up with now is to abandon my Palm and go to the iPod
Touch. I don't know if the Touch permits changes to address book and
calendar. And, I don't really need to make changes except on my Mac, anyway.

You know, your comment above says a lot. I think a lot of this is
moving away support from anything else handheld except for the touch
or the iPhone.

I know there are Entourage 2008 sync issues with the iPhone, but the
iPhone and the iPod touch do sync very well with Address Book and
iCal. And I wonder how the Palm, Blackberry and Windows Mobile
devices will ever get a fair shot at syncing well under these new
versions. It's almost as if they are being squeezed out, with the
"use The Missing Sync" comments we get from support. And The Missing
Sync is doing the same thing... referring people to use Sync Services.

And while I'm open to using a standard database for multiple products,
it's hard for those of us that had specific support for a device like
the Palm/Treo where things just worked, even with some minimal

As I've stated before, I have no choice but to stay with Entourage
2004 until I see some sort of support beyond "use Sync Services"
because I really don't want to break something that I have that works.

- Marty

Marty Mankins

On Jan 26, 7:20 am, Art Shotwell <[email protected]>
7. It's a mess, and Microsoft should have a fix - but I think the
bottom line is that Apple want us to sync with an iPhone and that's

I think you've hit the nail on the head here. It's as if they are
looking at the Palm platform and saying "only 10% of the total
smartphone market?? we'd rather focus on the iPhone."

I'm locked into Sprint and I really do like my Treo 755p and all of
the different programs I use that are not even close to being
available on an iPhone (eWallet, Pocket Quicken to name a couple).

Sad to see this drop of support that really doesn't work well for us
Treo users.

And the lack of support from Palm for Mac users doesn't help either.

- Marty

Art Shotwell

I'm kinda wondering if it were possible to have E2008 sync with E2004 via
isync and then use the E2004 conduit to sync with external devices. Do you
suppose E2004 needs to actually be loaded and running to sync? Since you
can't run both E2004 and E2008 at the same time, it would need to be able to
sync in the background via sync services.


I'm kinda wondering if it were possible to have E2008 sync with E2004 via
isync and then use the E2004 conduit to sync with external devices. Do you
suppose E2004 needs to actually be loaded and running to sync? Since you
can't run both E2004 and E2008 at the same time, it would need to be able to
sync in the background via sync services.

I don't think you have to do that. When I was sync'g using the 2004
conduit it just sync'd to the Entourage database. That database is
connected to 2008 so the entries came over fine. The mistake was when
the MS rep told me I could remove 2004 but I would have to use the
2004 conduit. The second rep said no you need 2004 on your machine for
the conduit to work. It broke once I removed 2004. I really only
phoned in as I was told by pre-sales there would be a conduit in 2008
and I just wanted to know where it was. But there isn't one and the
recommended approach is to use sync services in 2008. I was really
annoyed with the first rep that she didn't know that I couldn't remove
2004 and keep the conduit running. Now I am finding sync services
works fine but very slowly and as I mentioned above you loose a lot.
But at least I'm still able to keep my flow of data between my
handheld and Entourage.

Art Shotwell

I don't think you have to do that. When I was sync'g using the 2004
conduit it just sync'd to the Entourage database. That database is
connected to 2008 so the entries came over fine. The mistake was when
the MS rep told me I could remove 2004 but I would have to use the
2004 conduit. The second rep said no you need 2004 on your machine for
the conduit to work. It broke once I removed 2004. I really only
phoned in as I was told by pre-sales there would be a conduit in 2008
and I just wanted to know where it was. But there isn't one and the
recommended approach is to use sync services in 2008. I was really
annoyed with the first rep that she didn't know that I couldn't remove
2004 and keep the conduit running. Now I am finding sync services
works fine but very slowly and as I mentioned above you loose a lot.
But at least I'm still able to keep my flow of data between my
handheld and Entourage.

Hmmm... Well, it certainly didn't work for me. When I tried syncing, my Palm
synced with 2004. I test it by making changes in Entourage 2008, then
syncing. Those changes did not show up in the Palm.


Hmmm... Well, it certainly didn't work for me. When I tried syncing, my Palm
synced with 2004. I test it by making changes in Entourage 2008, then
syncing. Those changes did not show up in the Palm.

Strange as I Don't know why it worked for me. And the reps did say to
use the 2004 conduit as there is no 2008 conduit. The mistake was the
first rep told me I could remove the 2004 app and that broke the
conduit. I then spoke to a supervisor to complain and the only
solution was to reinstall 2004. But she said Microsoft's recommended
approach for 2008 is to use sync services . So I've been working with
that for a few days a lodged a formal complaint with MS yesterday as
this solution sucks compared to the conduit.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Art Shotwell said:
Yeah, The best I've been able to do is use sync services. Which sort of
works, but doesn't sync from Entourage Notes. And, now I have duplicates of
all my calendar events. I gotta figure out now how to wipe out my Palm
Calendars events, then re-sync. But, holding off 'til we see if someone has
something better. Looks like MissingSync ends up using sync services, too,
so they don't appear to have an answer.

Here's the situation.
Entourage 2008 only offers syncing through SyncServices.
The Missing Sync works *because* it is also syncing through syn

- All-day calendar events duplicate like crazy (and this one looks like
it is an Apple issue)
- categories are lost (limitation)
- contact pictures are lost (limitation
- for some people, contacts and events simply disappear.... (bug)
- for some people, contacts also duplicate like crazy (bug)

Fir these reasons, I turned off syncing in Entourage 2008 altogether
until a solution is found (at least to duplications and disappearing


Art Shotwell

Here's the situation.
Entourage 2008 only offers syncing through SyncServices.
The Missing Sync works *because* it is also syncing through syn

- All-day calendar events duplicate like crazy (and this one looks like
it is an Apple issue)
- categories are lost (limitation)
- contact pictures are lost (limitation
- for some people, contacts and events simply disappear.... (bug)
- for some people, contacts also duplicate like crazy (bug)

Fir these reasons, I turned off syncing in Entourage 2008 altogether
until a solution is found (at least to duplications and disappearing


My temp solution: I turned off Calendar syncing, but left Address Book
syncing turned on. That works. Meantime, my Palm calendar has triplicates
for most items. The last time I tried a sync, I got the message that I had
946 events that wanted to get added somewhere. I cancelled then and have
since turned off Calendar syncing.

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