Entourage & And an iMac in a predominantly PC environment?



Good morning all!

I recently switched to a MAC at my predominately PC university, and
now I find out after I've gotten the mac that we have little to no
support for it. I was hoping some of the corporate users could give a
hand or suggestions with the following:

1.) Cannot view resource accounts I am an owner of, nor accounts I am
a delegate for in Entourage 2004
2.) Seems to be no way that I can get the iMac on the University
Domain (and our IS folks seem unwilling to even try)
3.) MS Access for Office 04 Mac? Does this even exist? I was looking
for Office 2004 Professional and can't even find info on it other
than its not in stock anywhere.

4.) Anyone have success using bootcamp w/Windows XP to stop gap
between non mac friendly applications, the universities servers and
your mac?

any tips for getting more mac info out to the Universities IS folks?


Hi Tanya,

First I would recommend you to post your question also on
www.apple.com/support Discussion boards you will get more response on mixed

To answer your questions:

1.) Cannot view resource accounts I am an owner of, nor accounts I am
a delegate for in Entourage 2004

Check out this link for that option

2.) Seems to be no way that I can get the iMac on the University Domain (and
our IS folks seem unwilling to even try)

Ok this is a trick question do you want to access the files on the
university's network? Or do you want to include your Mac as a computer on
its network?

For the first part, you could use VPN software (Virtual Private Network) ask
them if they allow VPN into their network. This allows you at home to logon
a program that acts as a 'key' to open the 'door' to the network.

If you want to include your mac on the network, they need to 'Bind the Mac'
to the Active Directory (that is if the University is using Windows Active
Directory to house user IDs/computers)

3.) MS Access for Office 04 Mac? Does this even exist? I was looking
for Office 2004 Professional and can't even find info on it other
than its not in stock anywhere.

MS Access is not and will not be part of Office for Mac....just like Outlook
is not part of Mac...the evil empire doesn't like to give non-windows the
upper advantage...


Thanks for your help and suggestions.

A little update on one of your questions:
Ok this is a trick question do you want to access the files on the
university's network? Or do you want to include your Mac as a computer on
its network?

I'd love both actually, but for now I'll settle for accessing files on
the Universities network. I backed up my entire machine to a
designated U:/ drive and now have to piece meal pull my files back
down in a very slow and ineffiecient way via our web portal system.


Thanks for your help and suggestions.

A little update on one of your questions:

I'd love both actually, but for now I'll settle for accessing files on
the Universities network. I backed up my entire machine to a
designated U:/ drive and now have to piece meal pull my files back
down in a very slow and ineffiecient way via our web portal system.

Have you turned on (and configured correctly) "Active Directory" and
"SMB/CIFS" in the Directory Access application (Utilities folder)? You
will need Active Directory to be seen on and discover network items,
and SMB/CIFS to mount directories and share files.

And tell your univeristy's IS people that you are paying good money
and they should get off their duffs and do their job. Remember, THEY
work for YOU, not the other way around.


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