Andres Pinilla (Compudemano.com)
I was wondering how people, who use aliases in .Mac, work with these in
Entourage. In Mail, you can just choose an aliase from a drop down box. In
Entourage, the only way I can think that you might be able to do this is to
create an account for each aliase using your master .Mac account name but
changing the return address to the aliase. However this would then give you,
if you had two aliase and one prime e-mail address 3 sets of the same
mailbox and I assume you'd be replicating the mail items across all these
mailboxes. Any suggestion or thought would be greatly appreciated.
Entourage. In Mail, you can just choose an aliase from a drop down box. In
Entourage, the only way I can think that you might be able to do this is to
create an account for each aliase using your master .Mac account name but
changing the return address to the aliase. However this would then give you,
if you had two aliase and one prime e-mail address 3 sets of the same
mailbox and I assume you'd be replicating the mail items across all these
mailboxes. Any suggestion or thought would be greatly appreciated.