Entourage and Outlook 2003



I have several Windows machines and an iMac. I am not switching
platforms, I am adding one. I need to import data from Outlook 2003 to
Entourage, but I can't find a way that works. I found a way to migrate
email messages by way of Outlook Express. However, I don't use OE and I
am puzzled why a third piece of software has to be in the middle. I
found a way to migrate calendar entries with Exchange, but I can't find
Exchange Server Home Edition on Microsoft's web site. I tried the CSV
method, but that resulted in gibberish.

While I was doing all this, I happened to notice that Entourage is
manufactured by Microsoft and that Outlook is manufactured by
Microsoft. Perhaps Microsoft could get in touch with Microsoft and work
out some sort of contractual deal, with the appropriate non-disclosure
agreements, to make a file conversion utility so data could go back and
forth between Entourage and Outlook PST files. Maybe they could even
come up with a synchronization utility!

It shouldn't be all that hard to work out a deal between Microsoft and
Microsoft. Since the two companies have so much in common, there should
be a lot of cameraderie that would get things flowing quickly. The only
difficulty might be if this particular instance of corporate
multiple-personality disorder does not allow both personalities to
emerge at the same time. If that is the case, they could easily solve
the problem by leaving notes for each other.

I notice that I am not the only one who needs this.

I am aware that the inherent silliness of the situation makes this
message sound sarcastic, but really, how else could it come out?

Mickey Stevens

This page has a pretty clear tutorial for moving mail from Outlook to

Outlook2Mac advertises that it can automate the same procedure. However,
some users have noted that contacts, calendar events, and tasks don't always
transfer properly.

Alternatively, you can use an IMAP server to transfer mail. You can get a
free IMAP account at <http://www.bluebottle.com/>. Create folders matching
your local folder structure on the IMAP server. Drag-copy messages from
Outlook to similarly-named IMAP server folders. Go to Entourage and access
the the same IMAP account. Drag-copy messages from the server folders to
similarly-named local folders. If necessary, delete messages from server,
go back to the exporting program and repeat the process as often as
necessary until done.

For calendar events, contacts, tasks, and notes, check out Paul Berkowitz's
"Export-Import Entourage" script package.


Maddening, isn't it?

I've actually wondered whether Microsoft deliberately crippled
Entourage and made it incompatible with Outlook because they don't
really want people to use Macs - they want them to use Windows.


Maddening, isn't it?

I've actually wondered whether Microsoft deliberately crippled
Entourage and made it incompatible with Outlook because they don't
really want people to use Macs - they want them to use Windows.


Thanks for the response. I found scripts that would transfer the data.
It cost $20 and it took several hours to do. It worked perfectly.

Then when it was all done, I discovered that Entourage cannot send
email. Ever. At all. Under any circumstances whatsoever. All that work
was for nothing, because I can't use Entourage.

My ISP requires me to use their SMTP server to send. There is no other
way to send email. However, when I try, I get an error message that
leads me to a KB article that says that Entourage doesn't support this
common method of authentication. That means that no one with Cox Cable
can send email with Entourage. What is even more outrageous, Microsoft
has known about this problem since July of 2004 and has no remedy!

This means that your well-intended advice cost me $20 and a whole
evening and yielded absolutely nothing, because Entourage is useless.

And to add to the outrage, even though Entourage is severely defective,
and even though Microsoft has known about it long enough to fix it
three times over, they haven't done anything and there is no way for me
to contact support without paying for it. It's equivalent to paying to
file a bug report on a beta product.

Is Microsoft trying to promote Thunderbird? I can't believe this state
of affairs. Since you knew how to fix the first defect, maybe you know
a way to fix this defect, too.


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