Entourage-Blackberry synching peculiarity - help!


Jim Fleischmann

I use a Blackberry 8830 which I synch to Entourage on my Macbook Pro. My
goal is to have all of my appointments, tasks, notes and contacts uniformly
on my Mac and Blackberry - I enter items in either and then insure that my
information is on both devices when I synch.

My problem is that my Entourage calendar items are appearing on my
Blackberry tasks list, making that list rather unwieldy and impractical to
use on my Blackberry.

Anybody have any ideas about how I can fix this? I think I need to make the
change in Entourage (I've exhausted all the Blackberry solutions). And it
seems possible that there might be a solution w/ my third-party synching
software (Pocketmac for Blackberry).....

Jim Fleischmann
Cambridge, MA

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