Entourage blanks out from certain addressees

  • Thread starter Stuart Weylandsmith
  • Start date

Stuart Weylandsmith

Machine: macbook
OS: OSX 10.4.11
Entourage 11.4.0

I connect Entourage to my company¹s exchange server via a web access server.
By and large this works quite well. However, mail from one or two
addressees gets completely stripped of attachments and text ­ I just get a
blank eMail with the sender name, addressee list and subject line.

If I directly access the web server, I can see the eMail OK.
If my workmates (on the same exchange server) receive the same eMail and
on-forward the eMail to me, I can see it OK.
If I on-forward a blank email to my workmates ­ its blank to them also.

I¹ve tried to see what is common about the eMails from these two addressees.
They both have embedded logos (but they aren¹t alone in that). They both
have web and eMail hyperlinks in the eMails ­ but again nothing new here.

Can anyone suggest other lines of enquiry?
Or propose work-arounds?

One of the addressees whose eMail is giving me grief is a key partner
organisation. It is a real pain having to directly log onto the web server
to see his mail each time.

Stuart W

William Smith

Stuart said:
Machine: macbook
OS: OSX 10.4.11
Entourage 11.4.0

I connect Entourage to my company’s exchange server via a web access
server. By and large this works quite well. However, mail from one or
two addressees gets completely stripped of attachments and text – I just
get a blank eMail with the sender name, addressee list and subject line.

If I directly access the web server, I can see the eMail OK.
If my workmates (on the same exchange server) receive the same eMail and
on-forward the eMail to me, I can see it OK.
If I on-forward a blank email to my workmates – its blank to them also.

I’ve tried to see what is common about the eMails from these two
addressees. They both have embedded logos (but they aren’t alone in
that). They both have web and eMail hyperlinks in the eMails – but again
nothing new here.

Hi Stuart!

I strongly suspect these messages are malformed HTML messages. While
some E-mail and browser applications are forgiving and may display as
much of the content as it can, possibly Entourage is not as forgiving
with this particular problem.

You can try opening the source of the mail message using View -->
Source, copying/pasting everything from <html> through </htm> into a
plain text document, saving as "message.html" and opening with a web
browser such as Safari or Firefox.

Or you might try taking a copy of the message on a thumb drive to a
local Apple Store or Apple retailer who has Office 2008 installed and
see if it can read your message. Office 2008 uses a completely different
engine for rendering HTML E-mail. If it opens, then check with your
company about an Office 2008 upgrade.

Hope this helps!



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>

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