Entourage blocks attachments - can I disable this totally?



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC
Email Client: pop

What's up with this new "feature" in 2008 Entourage that is not allowing me to receive attachments? Actually, I don't care. How do totally disable this? and I would like a simple answer. If I sound annoyed, I am.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

What's up with this new "feature" in 2008 Entourage that is not allowing
me to receive attachments? Actually, I don't care. How do totally
disable this? and I would like a simple answer. If I sound annoyed, I

Its' for slow connections. Your settings are probably set to receive the
first xxx kb of the messages. You probably have a clickable link at the
top of the message allowing you to download the rest of the message.
Edit the settings for you account and make sure you set it to receive
the full messages.



I don't think it's that. I get a message that says "Entourage is blocking unsafe attachments", and the only button it offers is the OK button. I don't want any blocking of attachments sent to me.

Diane Ross

I don't think it's that. I get a message that says "Entourage is blocking
unsafe attachments", and the only button it offers is the OK button. I don't
want any blocking of attachments sent to me.

Be sure to do a search in Entourage Help for "About security in Entourage"
to understand the new changes. If you want to change the Attachment Policy,
create a supplementary .plist file as described in the following article:
Customize Entourage 2008 attachment settings. You must restart Entourage.
Entourage will only read the file in on boot. Note changing this file could
affect updating Entourage. I would keep a copy of the original file as
replacement during the upgrade process.



OK, this is confusing to me. I got as far as Renaming the file "com.microsoft.entourage.attachmentpolicy.plist." The next step says to open the file "in your property list (plist) editor." Where is that?

Diane Ross

OK, this is confusing to me. I got as far as Renaming the file
"com.microsoft.entourage.attachmentpolicy.plist." The next step says to open
the file "in your property list (plist) editor." Where is that?

You will need to install the developer tools. Sign up for a free developer's
account and download Xcode.


"/Developer/Applications/Utilities/Property List Editor.app"


I can't believe all this! Why did this happen in the first place!? I don't believe that I need to go thru all this. I use a Mac, not Windows. There must be a much simpler way to simple disable this so-called Security feature.

William Smith [MVP]

I can't believe all this! Why did this happen in the first place!? I
don't believe that I need to go thru all this. I use a Mac, not
Windows. There must be a much simpler way to simple disable this
so-called Security feature.

This security feature cannot be disabled. You can only create the plist
file that will allow you to pass blocked attachments.

Blocking attachments is a pre-emptive security measure and Entourage is
mimicking Outlook's new behavior for doing the same thing. Just because
you're on a Mac doesn't mean that you can't send or forward harmful
attachments to Windows folks.

Mac folks are savvier than Windows folks, IMHO, but only a few "unsavvy"
folks, who don't apply updates and security patches, are needed to
spread viruses, propagate spam, etc.

Depending on the file type, the simpler way to work around this problem
for most folks is to just change the name of the file name extension.
For example change:




Hope this helps!



Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://nine.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/youtalk>
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/meck>


Here's my problem, and this is a great example. Maybe it'll explain what's happening better. I just tried to send myself an email with THIS very webpage's URL attached. When I received it, it is a blank Text Edit document. I can't send nor receive attachments!


This is getting weirder. I just received an email I sent myself that had pictures attached, but when I opened the attachment, they went to my Saved Attachments folder instead of just opening on my desktop like they would have in 2004. Is there a Help Line where I can talk to a live person?


This is insane. I've just wasted a ton of time trying to receive a .p12 (Security Certificate file). Entourage is blocking it by default.

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