Entourage Calandar Crashes Palm when doing searches


Eric Astor

I have a Treo 600 running the latest Palm One software (apps v5.2h)
and sync to Entourage Conduit Settings using Entourage v. 11.1.0
*040913) on a 12" Powerbook, OSX 10.3.6, 768MB RAM, 1.33GHz.

I recently switched over to syncing with Entourage from the old Palm
Desktop app. Worked flawlessly for a couple of months and then, out
of the blue, each time I would do a search (Find) on the Palm it would
crash once it got to to searching in Calendar.

I called Palm's tech center and went through about an hour of tests
with the tech. He had me do a hard reset of the Treo and the
reinstall of the software without the Entourage info. There were no
crashes in find mode which lead him to believe that the Entourage
conduit, in particular, the Calendar database was corrupt.

I then updated Office 2004 to the latest revision and rebuilt the
Office database. I then resynced everything to my Palm and it still
crashes the Palm in Search mode right when it gets to the Calendar

I am at a loss - can anyone lead me in the right rirection here? Your
help would be much appreciated.


Barry Wainwright

I have a Treo 600 running the latest Palm One software (apps v5.2h)
and sync to Entourage Conduit Settings using Entourage v. 11.1.0
*040913) on a 12" Powerbook, OSX 10.3.6, 768MB RAM, 1.33GHz.

I recently switched over to syncing with Entourage from the old Palm
Desktop app. Worked flawlessly for a couple of months and then, out
of the blue, each time I would do a search (Find) on the Palm it would
crash once it got to to searching in Calendar.

I called Palm's tech center and went through about an hour of tests
with the tech. He had me do a hard reset of the Treo and the
reinstall of the software without the Entourage info. There were no
crashes in find mode which lead him to believe that the Entourage
conduit, in particular, the Calendar database was corrupt.

I then updated Office 2004 to the latest revision and rebuilt the
Office database. I then resynced everything to my Palm and it still
crashes the Palm in Search mode right when it gets to the Calendar

I am at a loss - can anyone lead me in the right rirection here? Your
help would be much appreciated.


Check all your recurring events, and make sure they all have an end date
assigned. There was/is an issue with open ended recurring events.

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