Entourage Calendar events disappear



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

I need to keep my calender events for at least a year, but they disappear after 3 months. How do I change the default which seems to be 3 months?

The delete non-recurring events box is NOT checked in Entourage preferences. Should I check it and set it for 24 months, say?



Joe Gardill

Don, open Entourage. Click on Preferences. Within the top section labeled
General Preferences you will see a line for Calendar. Click on it.

About half way down the box you will see a box that likely has a check mark
in it that starts "Delete non-recurring events older than ...." You will
then see two options. The first is a number and the values run from 1 to
365. The second is an option for days, weeks, or months.

Change the setting to whatever value you select, say 15 and months. Click
OK. I typically then close and reopen the program.

That should do it. If you continue to have a problem there is probably
something else going on in a script or other program that is overriding the
parameters. That will require the help of the experts here.

Good luck.


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