Entourage Calendaring / Time Zones issue


Casey Jensen


At our company all users are on EWS, 10.5.6+, Apple settings with
³Indianapolis² as location, and Entourage Prefs with ³Indiana (-04:00)² set
as the time zone. However, getting meeting requests such as the following
³When: Monday, September 14, 2009 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM US Eastern Standard
Time (1:30 PM Locally)². They show in the wrong spot in the calendar (1:30),
when they are scheduled for the ³right time². What gives? Is it something
funky with Indiana moving to EST and not being accounted for right in the


William Smith [MVP]

Casey said:
At our company all users are on EWS, 10.5.6+, Apple settings with
“Indianapolis” as location, and Entourage Prefs with “Indiana (-04:00)”
set as the time zone. However, getting meeting requests such as the
following “*When*: Monday, September 14, 2009 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM US
Eastern Standard Time (1:30 PM Locally)”. They show in the wrong spot in
the calendar (1:30), when they are scheduled for the “right time”. What
gives? Is it something funky with Indiana moving to EST and not being
accounted for right in the programming?

Not all of Indiana switched to Eastern time and Entourage has shown to
have problems. I recently had a conversation about this with someone else:

"Default TimeZone with the creation of new Office Identity"
or <http://tinyurl.com/os5da7>

I suggest you avoid any of the Indiana settings and use a different city
in the same time zone.

Hope this helps!



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