Entourage cannot access your data. To attemptto fix the problem, rebuild your database.



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I'm supporting a user who's gotten this message the last 4 times he's attempted to open Entourage. When he clicks OK, he gets the following message: Do you want to quit Microsoft Messenger and all Microsoft Office programs so that the Database Utility can run? To run the database Utility, you must first quit any Office programs that are running.

The size of the database is 9.08GB and has been rebuilt several times.

He says that he is not using Microsoft Messenger at all, so the message asking that it be quit is puzzling.

He is able to successfully rebuild his utility and run Entourage all day, but we'd like some insight into why this error is occurring in the first place.

Thanks for any assistance you can offer.

William Smith [MVP]

I'm supporting a user who's gotten this message the last 4 times he's
attempted to open Entourage. When he clicks OK, he gets the following
message: Do you want to quit Microsoft Messenger and all Microsoft
Office programs so that the Database Utility can run? To run the
database Utility, you must first quit any Office programs that are

If your user is repeatedly being asked to rebuild his database then he
should consider it corrupted and work to move all his data to a new

He can export most data using File --> Export... and then import that
into a new identity. The Rules and Signatures files at the same level as
the Database file can be moved to the new identity to preserve them.

Hope this helps!



Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://nine.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/youtalk>
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/meck>


User has not yet created a new identity, but is getting an additional error:

The Database Daemon has encountered an unknown error. The daemon will need to quit, and Entourage may need to be force quit.

Diane Ross

You've inserted a completely different topic into an ongoing thread. This
makes it very difficult for anyone to follow along. Please start over with
your own thread.


am the original poster and the second post is part of the continued error i am experiencing with the same user.

opted not to create a new thread, as this has not yet been resolved and the second error could point to some other resolution.

thank you.

Diane Ross

am the original poster and the second post is part of the continued error i am
experiencing with the same user.

The newsgroup server is only showing back to 7/2 so there is no way to see
the original messages. This makes trying to go back and see what was
reported and replied to very difficult.
opted not to create a new thread, as this has not yet been resolved and the
second error could point to some other resolution.

What was the original issue?
He says that he is not using Microsoft Messenger at all, so the message asking
that it be quit is puzzling.

Does this error come up daily or just when trying to install?
He is able to successfully rebuild his utility and run Entourage all day, but
we'd like some insight into why this error is occurring in the first place.

Have no clue on why you are getting this error. I don't even remember this
coming up before.

If you only have the Exchange account, I would create a new Identity and let
Entourage sync your emails. Rebuilding for just an Exchange account is not
as successful as creating a new Identity.

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