Entourage can't save mail and thus not send them


Per Rønne

If I try create a new e-mail, I can suddenly no longer save it.

If I press "Send Now", "Send Later" og "Save as Draft", Entourage gives
the following message:

"Could not save this message.
Un unknown error (1) occured."

And after pressing on the OK-button a new message:

"The action could not be completed.
An unknown error(1) occurred."

And after pressing OK again, I have no other option than discarding the

Entourage can receive mail, and re-send mail. But it is not possible to
edit mail and then save it before sending it - and consequently not
possible to send new mails or replies to requests.

I have rebooted the computer with the original DVD, and used Disk Tools
to repair the disk. Also, I have started the Entourage application with
the alt-key pressed down, and rebuilt the database. Furthermore, I have
restored an old copy of the "Microsoft User Data" from my Retrospect

It all began after I re-installed MacOS X 10.4[.5].

BTW, when I reboot the computer, I get the following error:

"Application Launch Failure
The application "Transport Monitor" could not be
launched because of a shared library error:
"8<Transport Monitor><Transport

But this has probably nothing to do with the error found here. It is due
to the fact that I use to syncronize Entourage with my Palm. I haven't
got this correct again yet.

Diane Ross

If I try create a new e-mail, I can suddenly no longer save it.

If I press "Send Now", "Send Later" og "Save as Draft", Entourage gives
the following message:

"Could not save this message.
Un unknown error (1) occured."

This sounds more like a system error than an Entourage error. One of the
quickest ways to eliminate a lot of problems is to create a new User in
System Preferences. Log out to the new test user and open Entourage. See if
you can send mail without any problems. If you can send then you have
problems in your User folder. To further track down the source of the
problem see the troubleshooting tips here:


Diane Ross

This sounds more like a system error than an Entourage error. One of the
quickest ways to eliminate a lot of problems is to create a new User in
System Preferences. Log out to the new test user and open Entourage. See if
you can send mail without any problems. If you can send then you have
problems in your User folder. To further track down the source of the
problem see the troubleshooting tips here:


That should be....One of the quickest ways to eliminate _the source_of a lot
of problems is to create a new User.

By testing in a clean environment you will know if your Office install is
good and if your OS install has problems.

Per Rønne

Diane Ross said:
That should be....One of the quickest ways to eliminate _the source_of a lot
of problems is to create a new User.

By testing in a clean environment you will know if your Office install is
good and if your OS install has problems.

I'll try. When I come back [I'm going to a course long away from home

Per Rønne

Per Rønne said:
Diane Ross said:
That should be....One of the quickest ways to eliminate _the source_of a lot
of problems is to create a new User.

By testing in a clean environment you will know if your Office install is
good and if your OS install has problems.

I'll try. When I come back [I'm going to a course long away from home

I tested it, and it works as it should with another user. But how should
I get it to accept the user data I already have - with lots of e-mails I
don't want to drop. Some of them even contain activation keys and the

Per Rønne

Per Rønne said:
I tested it, and it works as it should with another user. But how should
I get it to accept the user data I already have - with lots of e-mails I
don't want to drop. Some of them even contain activation keys and the

And I can send save messages if I use a new identity in Entourage. I
just need to import the old messages with activation codes into this new
identity - and that seem to fail ;-(.

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