Michael Radie said:
My Comcast account always needs me to put in my password back in. It never
seems to save my password.
Entourage saves your password in the Keychain. It's possible you have it
locked. If not, run Keychain FirstAid.
Run Keychain FirstAid:
Open Keychain Access located in Applications/Utilities, then choose Keychain
Access > Keychain First Aid.
Enter your user name and password.
Select, Verify and click Start.
Any problems found will be displayed.
If there are problems, select Repair and then click Start.
Test to see if the problem is fixed. If not...
1. Go to the system keychain and delete the entry for that account.
2. Go to Entourage, select 'accounts' from the Tools menu, choose the
account that was giving you trouble and click on Edit. Select the 'account
settings' tab.
3. Delete the password from the password box in the POP settings (leaving
the box empty).
4. Close the account window.
5. Re-open the account window and enter your proper password, check the
'save in keychain' check box and close the window again.
The password should now stick.