Entourage Conduit quits



When I go to synchornize my Palm organizer with Entourage X 10.1.4
(new Handheld Synchronization installed), the conduit manager launches
and makes a connection and starts working until it gets to the
Entourage conduit. If I go into Hot Sync manager's conduit settings, I
can look at the Backup and Install conduit settings, but when I try to
look at the Entourage Conduit's settings, Hot Sync Manager crashes.
Backup, Entourage Conduit, and Install are the only conduits in the
folder and shown in Hot Sync Manager. Even stranger, when conduit
manager or hotsync manager crash, I don't get a "Your application has
crashed. The system and blah-blah are not affected" message.

Please help me sync with Entourage so I can start using it.
Mac OS X 10.2.6
iBook 500 MHz G3
384 MB RAM
Handspring Treo

Peter Ditchman

Go to Hotsync Manager before you sync and change entourage conduit
address book component to "Do Nothing." Then sync and see if it works.
This is what I have been able to do, but I still can't figure out how
to get the address book component to work.



I just developed the very same problem. I am pretty sure this worked
for a couple of syncs after the 10.1.4 office update. I also have the
new conduit installed. Any advice out there please?? -Wendy

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