Entourage crashed - need options



Hi folks,

In the past month, Entourage crashed on me, stating that I re-build
the database in order to continue to use e-mail. This is my home
computer, on which I also conduct business, so there are no other
computers networked, nor is there a server I'm working off of. It is a
Mac G5, operating on OS10. Entourage is 2001 version. When I follwed
all instructions for a proper re-build, an error message came up that
tells me to quit all other programs and attempt the re-build again.
I've done this, then another error message pops up, stating that I do
not have enough disk space to re-build. This can't possibly be true,
as I have 31.9GB available in my hard drive. The current Entourage
database is only 3.4GB, with the cache being 20KB.

My main concern is all the info I had saved in my folders, as well as
my e-mail list. I did not back-up these up anyplace else.

Where do I go from here? Is there still a way to re-build, or is it
kaput? Should I buy a new e-mail program? Can I access the addresses
in the Entourage file, even though the program itself won't open?

Please help, this has been out of service for over 4 weeks now...


Diane Ross

In the past month, Entourage crashed on me, stating that I re-build
the database in order to continue to use e-mail. This is my home
computer, on which I also conduct business, so there are no other
computers networked, nor is there a server I'm working off of. It is a
Mac G5, operating on OS10. Entourage is 2001 version. When I follwed
all instructions for a proper re-build, an error message came up that
tells me to quit all other programs and attempt the re-build again.
I've done this, then another error message pops up, stating that I do
not have enough disk space to re-build. This can't possibly be true,
as I have 31.9GB available in my hard drive. The current Entourage
database is only 3.4GB, with the cache being 20KB.

It could be the space is too fragmented for the rebuild. I'm guessing since
you have Office 2001, it's been a while since you wiped your drive and
re-installed the OS. When Entourage rebuilds the database it needs twice the
size, plus the system needs free space to operate.

It's also possible the error message is false. Try deleting this preference
file in your User's --> Library Preferences:


Note: I'm not sure this preference applies to 2001.
My main concern is all the info I had saved in my folders, as well as
my e-mail list. I did not back-up these up anyplace else.

Since you use your email for business, this is a crucial error on your part.
Firewire drives are pretty cheap now and you need to backup!!!!
Where do I go from here? Is there still a way to re-build, or is it
kaput? Should I buy a new e-mail program? Can I access the addresses
in the Entourage file, even though the program itself won't open?

I would buy a Firewire drive and backup your entire drive. To clone your
drive, I recommend SuperDuper! It's a great backup application and it's less
than $30. Carbon Copy Cloner can clone your drive and it's freeware. You'll
find both on Version Tracker: <http://www.versiontracker.com>

Try rebuilding your database on the new Firewire drive.

After backing up and restarting from your fW drive to test that it works, I
would then wipe my drive and then let your software restore your data. When
the data is restored, it should eliminate any fragmentation that has

I just recently purchased a 250GB drive that was recommended on the Mac -L
list. Whatever you purchase, it should be equal or larger than your current

This is the drive I purchased. egoodz.com is offering a Seagate 250GB IDE
Hard Drive (8MB cache, 7200 rpm) installed in the Silver Metal Gear Box II
3.5" FireWire/USB 2.0 Hard Drive Enclosure for $86, with free shipping.
Cables and AC adapter are included. The internal drive mechanism
comes with a 5 year warranty. This is a dynamite buy on a pre-assembled
FireWire drive with a Seagate mechanism.


Just recently we had a user share that his Entourage X database that was
corrupt was able to be rebuilt on a 500GB drive where it failed to rebuild
on a new MacBook. Evidently it needed the space on the larger drive.

You can contact me off list if you are interested in buying Office 2004.

Click on Newsgroup Support link:


Please do not change the subject. I use the subject in a rule so the email
does not get lost in my Junk folder.

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