Entourage crashes on print



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Power PC
Email Client: pop

Every time I choose Print Entourage crashes. I can "print one copy" fine.

Diane Ross

Every time I choose Print Entourage crashes. I can "print one copy" fine.

These are contradictory statements. How can you print one copy if you crash
every time?

Sometimes this is an indication of database corruption, but first check the
list or recipients. If the list is long, then leave the 'truncate' button
unchecked. <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/troubleshoot/crashes.html#crash4>

See this page for help with print errors:

Print Errors <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/error/print.html>

Ed Kimball

These are contradictory statements. How can you print one copy if you crash
every time?

Sometimes this is an indication of database corruption, but first check the
list or recipients. If the list is long, then leave the 'truncate' button
unchecked. <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/troubleshoot/crashes.html#crash4>

See this page for help with print errors:

Print Errors <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/error/print.html>

The poster said that when he uses the "Print" command, Entourage crashes,
but it works when he uses the "Print one copy" command (which bypasses the
Print dialog box). Does that distinction affect your advice at all?

Diane Ross

Ed Kimball said:
The poster said that when he uses the "Print" command, Entourage crashes,
but it works when he uses the "Print one copy" command (which bypasses the
Print dialog box). Does that distinction affect your advice at all?

Not really. At least that makes sense. I've never noticed "print one copy"
as an option.

I would try in a new User to see if it happens there. It sounds like a
preference that's corrupted.


Thanks for you input.
Based on other forums I'd already tried a New User - same problem. I'd also gone in and deleted all the printing forms based on another forum suggestion - same problem. I ran a verification of the database and it says it's fine. The one thing I haven't been able to do is to verify that the truncate button is deselected because I can't find where I can do that. Bear in mind the program crashes before I get to a print dialogue box - I'm assuming that's where I would find that option.

Any other suggestions?

Diane Ross

RobSchanilec said:
Based on other forums I'd already tried a New User - same problem. I'd also
gone in and deleted all the printing forms based on another forum suggestion -
same problem. I ran a verification of the database and it says it's fine. The
one thing I haven't been able to do is to verify that the truncate button is
deselected because I can't find where I can do that. Bear in mind the program
crashes before I get to a print dialogue box - I'm assuming that's where I
would find that option.

We need to be clear....does the crashing involve other activities or just
the print function?

Check these options:



I'm sorry i didn't respond earlier - i didn't get e-mail notification of my last or your last post. in the meantime - i deleted and readded the default printer with the print setup utility and the problem went away.

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