Entourage cutting sent emails short



Entourage has been cutting short some of the emails sent by one of the
users at our company. I have just updated it to Office 2004 for Mac
11.3.4 but am still having the problem.

I have just worked out that it seems to cut any email short where
there is a full stop at the end of a line on the 76th character. This
only occurs within Entourage. When the same email is sent using Mac
Mail or Outlook from a PC the email sends correctly. But when sent
through Entourage the email is cut after the full stop. The section of
the email that is sent is in plain text (whether the original email
was sent in html or plain text).

When you look in the Sent Items folder at the original sent email it
appears normal and full length but obviously the recipient of the
email only sees the text up to the where the full stop was.

We use a linux email server with Altermime which adds a disclaimer to
the bottom of each email. I presume however that this must be a
problem with Entourage as all the users of other email clients
(Outlook, Mac Mail, Thunderbird, Webmail) have no such problems.

Any suggestions?

Mickey Stevens

That's a known issue that has been reported to Microsoft (it was noticed in
Entourage X; presumably it is still present in Entourage 2004).

Here's what Barry Wainwright posted a while back concerning this issue:
This is an occasionally reported problem, and every issue followed to date has
concluded with evidence that the user's ISP's mail server has incorrectly
handled the message and truncated it.
If you see the problem when the period is at around the 72nd character (I
forget the exact number, but it is somewhere between 70 & 76), this is almost
certainly what you are seeing.
The problem I refer to happens when the last period is wrapped to a line on
it's own. A line on it's own should indicate to the SMTP server that the
message is at an end, and entourage prevents this from happening by
converting that one period to a double period (this can be checked by
watching the tcp stream using tcpFlow). Unfortunately, a very few mail
servers out there incorrectly accept the double period as a message
terminator as well as the single period ( I suspect they actually just look
for a period at the start of a line). This causes the message to be
truncated at the wrapped period.

Unfortunately I know of no workaround.


Thanks for the reply Mickey. It seems weird that the problem has been
around since Entourage X and Microsoft still hasn't created a fix for
this problem. I think I'm going to have to get all my Entourage users
switching to Mac Mail instead, which is a shame because Entourage is
an otherwise nice program. If anyone finds a fix or workaround for
this problem then I would appreciate posting it here or letting me

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