Entourage deleted my accounts



Hello. I have used Entourage happily and daily for 3 years.

However last time I opened up the program, everything was gone. I have
restarted a few times, and my accounts, history, groups, etc. are all

PowerBook G4. Mac OSx 10.4.3. Entourage 10.1.4.

The database in my identity is 196MB.

Many thanks for your insight.

Mickey Stevens

Did you try going to Entourage > Switch Identity and re-selecting your

matt neuburg

JuliaD said:
Thank you - but yes I did try this and no dice.

Nevertheless it is just not possible that "everything is gone" if your
database is 196 MB. If everything was gone, your database would be
effectively zero. I've been using Entourage for years and my database
has never reached 196MB in size. So there's plenty of data in there
somewhere. m.


Dear JuliaD,

Did you ever solve this? I'm having the exact same problem. Any info
would be great. Nobody including microsoft can help me. Should I just
deal with it and start over? Any advice would be great.



JuliaD said:
Hello. I have used Entourage happily and daily for 3 years.

However last time I opened up the program, everything was gone. I have
restarted a few times, and my accounts, history, groups, etc. are all

PowerBook G4. Mac OSx 10.4.3. Entourage 10.1.4.

The database in my identity is 196MB.

Many thanks for your insight.

I had this problem last week. Don't worry go to this page and select
'How to rebuild your Identity Database in Entourage-
It's the Microsoft Entourage OSX support page.

Basically your Entourage is not looking for the correct identity,
probably because it has been moved accidentally as in my case. If it is
not showing up in Switch Identity, then you need to locate your
identity and move it to the correct location for Entourage to be able
to see it. Take a tip though, when you are working with identities give
them a specific name ie 1,2,3,4 etc other wise if you make a new
identity it will be named main identity by default and there is a
danger of overwriting an existing 'main identity'

Good luck



Hi - thankyou -
Actually this didn't work but I figured out the solution. I caused the
problem when I used the Microsoft User Data folder to another location.
All I had to do was move it back.
Thanks a bunch for the suggestion.

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