Entourage doesn't display html content.



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel
Email Client: pop

I have Office 2008 (with the latest update, from 3/17/08) installed on my MacBook Pro (2GB's RAM, 10.5.2). From Entourage, when I open an email from a vendor embedding html links, they only appear as question marks?

Is there a setting I can change to correct this, or is this a bug that others here are seeing?

Steve Hendrix

Corentin Cras-Méneur

I have Office 2008 (with the latest update, from 3/17/08) installed on
my MacBook Pro (2GB's RAM, 10.5.2). From Entourage, when I open an email
from a vendor embedding html links, they only appear as question marks?

That's unusual... Are you sure they are coded as plain link?? The
question mark is usually there for images that have a broken link to the
original file in most applciations.

I suspect that the HTML code in the message is not valid.


Hui Nee Chin

Also check if you see a banner at the top of your email saying "To protect
your privacy, some pictures... Download pictures". If it does, clicking on
Download pictures should replace the question marks with images.

Hui Nee Chin - huchinATmicrosoftDOTcom
Microsoft Entourage Test
Disclaimer: This mail is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers
no rights.

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