Entourage duplicating email messages



Everytime I shut-down and then restart all my past email messages
re-appear.. up to 1000 at a time. How do I change the settings???


This happens to me as well. I hope someone has an answer as it is quite annoying. has done it now for the past 3 days......


This has also been happening to me for the past 2 days and I am going out of my mind. I hope someone can help!


Where is the support from Microsoft for this, I see a lot of users that have duplicated emails with no solution, What can users do. its unacceptable receiving thousands of emails daily, Entourage has dowload 4 times all the server, this is like 10,000 emails, Can some one assit on how to stop it. I does not happen on my i-phone, so this means the set up setting in Yahoo is ok, the only problem is entourage....... URGENT HELP REQUIRED.....


I have had the same problem on several workstations. I changed to Apple Mail & all is right with the world. OS 10.6 Apple Mail works with Exchange.

I like Entourage's one stop place for all apps like the Cal & addresses but it has been too squirrelly. : (


> Everytime I shut-down and then restart all my past email messages
> re-appear.. up to 1000 at a time. How do I change the settings???
I emptied my in box on the server by transferring messages to an archive. After that I never received duplicated mails anymore though I kept my messages in the Inbox after tht.

Barry Wainwright

Where is the support from Microsoft for this, I see a lot of users that
have duplicated emails with no solution, What can users do. its
unacceptable receiving thousands of emails daily, Entourage has dowload
4 times all the server, this is like 10,000 emails, Can some one assit
on how to stop it. I does not happen on my i-phone, so this means the
set up setting in Yahoo is ok, the only problem is entourage.......

This is a peer to peer support forum, not a Microsoft support forum.

We are all just users, helping each other. If you really _need_
microsoft direct support, you have to pay for that.

Barry Wainwright

Everytime I shut-down and then restart all my past email messages
re-appear.. up to 1000 at a time. How do I change the settings???

I presume this is a POP3 account, with 'keep mail on server' set?

If so, this feature ius unreiable (in Entourage, in other clients and
on the server itself).

If you can, move to a IMAP account - this type of account is designed
for this sort of usage. otherwise, try a rebuild of your database
(unlikely to work, but it may do in a small percentage of cases) or
delete the accoubnt and recreate it.

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