
Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Email Client: pop

Hi there
Was wondering whether you can help me... VERY new to MAC and Entourage. Finally got all my emails from my Windows over to Entourage and address book. My question is how do I schedule the sending and receiving to be less than the 10 mins that is programed in. I tried to look in preferences but don't see anything there that helps. I would like the server to check for emails every minute rather than 10 mins.
Thanks in advance.

Diane Ross

Was wondering whether you can help me... VERY new to MAC and Entourage.
Finally got all my emails from my Windows over to Entourage and address book.
My question is how do I schedule the sending and receiving to be less than the
10 mins that is programed in. I tried to look in preferences but don't see
anything there that helps. I would like the server to check for emails every
minute rather than 10 mins.

This is set in Schedule. Open Schedules under Tools in the Menu bar. Select
the Send & Receive schedule. Double click to open.

Select Recurring schedule set for ever xx minutes.

FWIW, you might find that every minute is too close. Even users that set for
2 min. find that it creates problems.


If you want custom notifications for certain emails, try using a rule to
play a custom sound to notify you. This way you know without checking when
that important mail arrives.

I use these specific sounds for special mails. Examples:

If mail is from:

a buddy... I hear the spoken text "buddy"
a friend... I hear spoken text "friends"
Work category... I hear the "ships bell sound"
Support work....the quack sound
Family...the "You've got mail"
Alerts....the alert sound...easy to hear this one in another room

The combination of spoken word and sounds makes it easy to identify the
notification. Too many just sounds will start getting confusion, at least it
is for me.

Starting to get the picture of how useful this could be?

You can even create your own sounds or use computer voices to announce your
mail. For example, you could have the AppleScript say ³Mail from Dad².

Rule to Play Sound and samples.



Thanks Diane. That was so helpful - I now know to go to TOOLS for all my other customisations. Have readjusted my schedule to every 4 mins but will have a play with the sounds as you suggested. Thanks heaps.

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