Entourage Error



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

Quiet and restart entourage .. if this problem continues might need to verify and rebuild database.

The user gets this error only now and then and only when she trys to send an email ... clicks oK then shes fine .. or does some clean up and then it gets sent.

Shes well below our exchange limit so its not mail size issues ...

Any thoughts ... what is causing it ... I am going to do the verified and rebuild if I have to

Diane Ross

Quiet and restart entourage .. if this problem continues might need to verify
and rebuild database.

The user gets this error only now and then and only when she trys to send an
email ... clicks oK then shes fine .. or does some clean up and then it gets

Shes well below our exchange limit so its not mail size issues ...

Any thoughts ... what is causing it ... I am going to do the verified and
rebuild if I have to

Rebuilds for Identities that have Exchange accounts do better by creating a
new Identity rather than rebuilding.

Does the user have mail in folders "On My Computer"? What about POP

Run these Stress Tests:

1. Use the Entourage Database Utility to verify
2. Test by exporting all items as Entourage archive (.rge) file
3) and import the .rge file into a new Identity.
4. Use the MBOX script to export all folders.

Export folders as MBOX files (includes subfolders)

If the Identity passes all these tests it's good.

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