Entourage Exchange Dups



I have a client with exchange server sbs2003 and a mix of PC clients
and Mac clients using Entourage.

If a mail is sent to 2 entourage users they both receive it twice. If
a mail is sent to 3 they all get it 3 times and so on.

Anyone come across this before



Barry Wainwright

Phil said:
I have a client with exchange server sbs2003 and a mix of PC clients
and Mac clients using Entourage.

If a mail is sent to 2 entourage users they both receive it twice. If
a mail is sent to 3 they all get it 3 times and so on.

Anyone come across this before



No, I haven't. I have recently switched from an SBS 03 set up to one
running Exchange 07, but three mac users never encountered this issue.

Can you please check - does the same issue occur when you post a message
through Outlook Web Access? Entourage uses the same protocols as OWA, so
fnding out if this shows the same problem should indicate whether the
issue is with a badly configured server or the clients.

Whichever it is, it is not the normal behaviour for SBS/Entourage.

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