Entourage, Exchange, Ipod Touch Calendars not syncing properly



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I've carefully diagnosed the problem I'm having as this:

1. If I create an appt/event in Entourage Calendar, it syncs successfully to both the Exchange Calendar and the ipod Touch calendar.

2. However, if I create an appt/event in the Exchange calendar, it syncs successfully to the ipod Touch, but NOT to the Entourage calendar (doesn't show up at all).

3. Similarly, if I create an appt/event on the ipod Touch calendar, it syncs successfully with the Exchange calendar, but never makes it to the Entourage calendar.

It would seem that the ipod Touch and Exchange sync well together, but that anything created by them doesn't make it to the Entourage calendar.

4. Strangely, I've noticed that if I DELETE an appt/event from the ipod touch, it will indeed delete that event from both Exchange and Entourage calendars.

Any ideas how to solve this. My desire is to enter an appt/event on my ipod Touch calendar, and know that it's synced it to Entourage on my laptop (via Exchange).

Thanks for any wisdom on this.

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