We're using windows 2000 server and exchange 2000
in a mixed enviroment (windows and mac os x). The apple
users are using entourage to get and send their mails.
Most of the time everything works. But sometimes*
the mails send by the apple users are frozen**
(word by word translation from german "fixiert" is "fixed"
but i think the right term is frozen...)
immediately after arriving in the exchange smtp queue
(No Error message on the client).
The mail stays there until i delete it...
This problem only occours in the combination of
entourage and exchange.
Apple users can send mail using exchange webaccess or
a IMAP/SMTP client (like mozilla thunderbird) without
What i've tested:
* Mac User on windows outlook: no frozen mails
* Windows User on apple Entourage: not enough testing done,
but at least one time a mail was marked as frozen
in the smtp queue.
* Mac and Windows user on Exchange webaccess: no frozen mails
* Capturing the data send via webdav from entourage to the
exchange server (with ethereal). I compared what happens
if a mail gets frozen and what happens if the mail gets through.
(you can't predict when a mail gets frozen so i had to send a lot of
mails to get one frozen mail)
But i didn't find something unusal...
(Ethereal's output looked nearly the same;
no strange email headers or something like this)
I don't see a soloution to this problem...
My only guess is that this is some kind of weird broken licence
(we've sometimes employees who bring there one apple in
for work; i can't check if they're using legaly licensed software;
they connect to the exchange server via entourage too)
I hope somebody here knows a soloution...
BTW: The software (both windows and apple) is patched with
the newest updates.
* sometimes means:
happens quite randomly;
** this happend for every apple user at least on time
(I don't think that this is an account problem)
Thank you in advance for your Answers.
We're using windows 2000 server and exchange 2000
in a mixed enviroment (windows and mac os x). The apple
users are using entourage to get and send their mails.
Most of the time everything works. But sometimes*
the mails send by the apple users are frozen**
(word by word translation from german "fixiert" is "fixed"
but i think the right term is frozen...)
immediately after arriving in the exchange smtp queue
(No Error message on the client).
The mail stays there until i delete it...
This problem only occours in the combination of
entourage and exchange.
Apple users can send mail using exchange webaccess or
a IMAP/SMTP client (like mozilla thunderbird) without
What i've tested:
* Mac User on windows outlook: no frozen mails
* Windows User on apple Entourage: not enough testing done,
but at least one time a mail was marked as frozen
in the smtp queue.
* Mac and Windows user on Exchange webaccess: no frozen mails
* Capturing the data send via webdav from entourage to the
exchange server (with ethereal). I compared what happens
if a mail gets frozen and what happens if the mail gets through.
(you can't predict when a mail gets frozen so i had to send a lot of
mails to get one frozen mail)
But i didn't find something unusal...
(Ethereal's output looked nearly the same;
no strange email headers or something like this)
I don't see a soloution to this problem...
My only guess is that this is some kind of weird broken licence
(we've sometimes employees who bring there one apple in
for work; i can't check if they're using legaly licensed software;
they connect to the exchange server via entourage too)
I hope somebody here knows a soloution...
BTW: The software (both windows and apple) is patched with
the newest updates.
* sometimes means:
happens quite randomly;
** this happend for every apple user at least on time
(I don't think that this is an account problem)
Thank you in advance for your Answers.