Entourage freezes when shutting down



When I shut entourage down it freezes. The window goes away but the app
stops responding. Only way to shut it down is to force quit. A pain and
uneccessary. I am on a ibook 15 with the latest Tiger and Office 2004
completely updated.

Any ideas?

Corentin Cras-Méneur

When I shut entourage down it freezes. The window goes away but the app
stops responding. Only way to shut it down is to force quit. A pain and
uneccessary. I am on a ibook 15 with the latest Tiger and Office 2004
completely updated.

Do you use Exchange ?? Sometimes, especially if you have a lot of data
on Exchange, Entourage takes a fairly long (really long if you have a
lot of data) to sync it all up with the server when you quit the app.

It also happens if you have projects with a lot of contacts each having
quite a few e-mails. Is it the case ??


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