Entourage keeps disappearing!


Jeremy Fieldsend

This is a new iMac (Intel Core 2 duo) with a new Office 2004 installed.
For the second time now, on launching Entourage it shows the Set-up
assistant and a brand new Entourage as if it had never been used. All
preveious emails, addresses, notes etc appear to have been lost. There
is only on identity.

Can anyone shed any light on what might be happening and if it's
possible to find the previous emails?


Diane Ross

This is a new iMac (Intel Core 2 duo) with a new Office 2004 installed.
For the second time now, on launching Entourage it shows the Set-up
assistant and a brand new Entourage as if it had never been used. All
preveious emails, addresses, notes etc appear to have been lost. There
is only on identity.

Can anyone shed any light on what might be happening and if it's
possible to find the previous emails?

Are you moving the Microsoft User Data folder in Documents. Entourage
expects the folder to be in this location. If you move it a new one blank
one will be created.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
The Entourage Blog lists the EHP as one of the top five Microsoft Entourage

Jeremy Fieldsend

Diane said:
Are you moving the Microsoft User Data folder in Documents. Entourage
expects the folder to be in this location. If you move it a new one blank
one will be created.
No. It hasn't been touched. And part of the problem is that we can't
find the original User Data and so all emails and contacts are being
lost. (Twice now).

Barry Wainwright [MVP]

No. It hasn't been touched. And part of the problem is that we can't
find the original User Data and so all emails and contacts are being
lost. (Twice now).

If the folder is being automatically deleted, there are two likely

1. disk level corruption is causing the problem - fix this with
DiskWarrior, Techtool Pro or run the repairs in Disk Utility

2. an anti-virus programme has detected a virus stored in the database
(probably in an infected email) and has quarantined the database, hiding it
from the system. Check any AV products you are running and, if necessary,
exclude the MUD folder from their scans.


Have you activated FileVault? Sometimes user data and preferences are
lost when this security feature is used. Check if you have problems
with any other application.

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