Entourage keeps getting Error 0 when tryingto process a RULE that has NEVER EXISTED!!!!!



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

Entourage has a GHOST Writer because I have NEVER created a rule named Your New Directors Selection" and yet it thinks there is a rule named this and I get an Error 0 - "While processing message 'something named here (ID 7358)' the mailing list rule "Your New Director's Selection" could not be successfully executed. ---
Also Entourage has just randomly chose 3 different named mail boxes/folders to distribute mail in besides the Inbox. I have found new mail in these named folders, Amazon.com, Columbia House DVD and Kodak Gallery. The words "Your New Director's Selection" are familiar to me because that is what you get sent to you when Columbia House DVD sends out it's new monthly email. BUT, as I said, I never had a rule named this and I never had a rule set up for Columbia House DVD mail. I did have about 20 rules I created, but I have deleted them trying to resolve these problems. I have uninstalled Office 2008, but since I am NEW to the Mac, I didn't know where to find the database file Entourage creates so I could deleted it. In Outlook, the database file is a .PST. Can someone tell me what the name is and where it is kept of the Entourage database file?----
I have to say this is a 1st in my 29 years in the computer industry that I have seen a program create a GHOST file and decide on it's own where to move mail and when to do so.
I would be grateful to anyone who can help me.

Thanks and have a GREAT Day!


Diane Ross

Have you looked to see if there is a MLM rule set up? Under Tools in the
Menu bar, select Mailing List Manager. Does it list any rules? If yes,
delete it.


Hello Diane, 1st I would like to thank you for your prompt reply and 2nd, I want to say THANKS your help.

You were RIGHT ON, there were 3 rules listed there. How the hell they got there beats me. 2 of the 3 looked like ones I would have created, but not the one that was giving me problems.

I know I must have created ALL of them, but I know nothing about the rules MLM rules and don't even know there were such rules or how I would have created them since I created all the others under Tools/Rules.


Thanks again for your help and solving where the Ghost was.

I am a NEWBEE on this Mac and I have a lot to learn.


Diane Ross

Hello Diane, 1st I would like to thank you for your prompt reply and 2nd, I
want to say THANKS your help.

Glad I could help.
You were RIGHT ON, there were 3 rules listed there. How the hell they got
there beats me. 2 of the 3 looked like ones I would have created, but not the
one that was giving me problems.

It's very easy to set up a MLM rule by accident, when you are marking a
message as 'not junk'. The wording of that dialog is ambiguous to say the

FWIW, this has been one of the most asked questions ever so you can
see...it's easy to do.


Hi Diane, I need your help agaim, so I hope you are still following my problems. In my initial Post I also had this problem:

" Also Entourage has just randomly chose 3 different named mail boxes/folders to distribute mail in besides the Inbox. I have found new mail in these named folders, Amazon.com, Columbia House DVD and Kodak Gallery."

You didn't address this issue, so you might not have the answer for me. I guess I should create a New post, but I wanted to see if you could help me.

Entourage has now decided it put most, Not All, but I'd say 99% of my email in a mailbox/folder named Wells Fargo.

So maybe I do still have a GHOST.

Thanks for your help!


Diane Ross

I replied to your new post. As I mentioned this sounds like a Mailing List
Manager rule or another type of rule is moving the messages.

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