Entourage loading Exchange calendar and folders but no mail.



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I have configured my Entourage client to access my corp. exchange server. I have the option to use OWA or a secure connection and the results are the same regardless of the approach. my preference is to use OWA as it does not require a VPN connection.

This is what I have configured:

E-Mail Address: (e-mail address removed)
Server: Mail.CompanyX.com
AccountID: jpower

Exchange server: <HTTPS://mail.CompanyX.com>
I have SSL selected

It all seems to work. My calendar updates, it appears to synchronize everything and gives no errors. I can seel my public folders as well as my mailbox folders, BUT THEY ARE EMPTY!!!.

I have archived my exchange mailbox so on ther server there are currently only a handful of messages.

I have rebuilt the database.

I have cleared the cache.

I have tried all combinations of clearing the cache and rebuilding the database.

I have tried the server address including the /exchange, /Exchange/jpower and all combinations of directories.

What am I missing? Why do I get my calendar and folders but no messages

help. I am running outlook in Parallels and that is what I wanted to avoid.

Adam Bailey

It all seems to work. My calendar updates, it appears to synchronize
everything and gives no errors. I can seel my public folders as well as my
mailbox folders, BUT THEY ARE EMPTY!!!.

Out of curiosity: can you send mail? Does the mail you've sent appear on the
server and in OWA?

Can you move a message into one of your Exchange folders and have it appear
in Entourage and in OWA? (If you don't have a message, you can do this with
the initial Welcome to Entourage you received.)


I can indeed send mail through that account. It does not appear on the server in the Sent Mail (or anywhere else) but does on Entourage.

The message I get on Sync is "Could not synchronize record: name of message goes here" message -18500

The same thing happens when I move a message to a folder.

I should also mention that we are not running IMAP.

William Smith [MVP]

This is what I have configured:

E-Mail Address: (e-mail address removed)
Server: Mail.CompanyX.com
AccountID: jpower

Exchange server: <HTTPS://mail.CompanyX.com>
I have SSL selected

Compare your server settings with those in my instructions here:

"Connecting Entourage to an Exchange Server at work"


"Connecting Entourage to an Exchange Server from Home"

"Domain" should be a Windows NetBIOS domain name such as "DOMAIN" and
not an Active Directory domain name such as "domain.com".

Also, you don't need to include the "HTTPS://" for your server name.
Just use "server.domain.com".

If you're on your company network then you want to use the first link.
Otherwise, you will want to use the second. These instructions are the
same for Entourage 2008 with the exception of using Kerberos. Test first
by manually entering your information and if that works then you can try
using Kerberos.

Hope this helps!



Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://nine.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/youtalk>
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/meck>


Thanks for the input, i had actually run through both before my initial posting.

I have tried both avenues (inside the network and OWA) with the same sets of results. I have tried FDQN as well as a wide assortment of combination of www.companyx.com\Exchange, all with the same results.

Additionally, I attempted to set up the account on a virgin machine with Office installed out of the box. Same results. Calendar works, Folders are visible but no messages. No different inside the firewall or OWA.

Now, When I set up the account while inside the company domain, I thought the easiest methid would be to leverage Exchange to auto configure. I enter the Server as CompanyX-MAIL, and my user name. The search successfully finds me, sets up the public directory and the LDAP directoy correctly then gives me the same results as OWA.

The interesting thing, The same OWA setup on my iphone was up and running in less than 2 minutes.


Nope. No luck yet. i don't know if it is Entourage or if it is perhaps something with the 'easy' network settings on the Mac. The networking interface is pretty basic on the mac and I notice some differences between the 'easy' setup on the Mac vs. the 'easy' set up on the PC. I would think OWA would work though.

The thing is, I have not been able to find a comparable Mac application that would integrate with Exchange via OWA to make a comparison.

William Smith [MVP]

I have tried both avenues (inside the network and OWA) with the same
sets of results. I have tried FDQN as well as a wide assortment of
combination of www.companyx.com\Exchange, all with the same results.

Can you recheck your settings?

In your original post you mentioned using:


when you should be using:


You also quoted above:


when you should be using:


Rarely will "www" be used in Exchange or Outlook Web Access (OWA) addresses.

I suspect you have some problems with how you're formatting your
information because you've tried so many options.

If you're using an Exchange Server 2007 server then you may need to
alter your Exchange server address from:



mail.server.com/exchange/[email protected]

Hope this helps!



Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://nine.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/youtalk>
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/meck>

Richard Lesavoy

I have the exact same issue as MouseWorks. Microsoft support has been no
help. On Friday, I actually brought my iMac into work so my IT guys could
attempt to correct this exchange sync problem. They spent a few hours
attempting to successfully sync Entourage inside the network, outside the
network, etc etc.

No progress.

MouseWorks - Can you drop me your e-mail address at (e-mail address removed) so we
can keep in touch. There must be and answer out there!!!!!

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