Entourage mail and PGP/GPG?


Nollaig MacKenzie

I've been experimenting with an eye to switching to Entourage
mail. I don't see anything in the Help system about using PGP.
Can one use PGP with Entourage? TIA, N.


I've been experimenting with an eye to switching to Entourage
mail. I don't see anything in the Help system about using PGP.
Can one use PGP with Entourage? TIA, N.

PGP comes with a set of AppleScripts that can be run from the AppleScript
menu in Entourage. The scripts will perform the necessary operations for
you. It's not as tightly integrated as in Apple Mail but it works. One
disadvantage is that attachments must be encrypted separately, i.e. before
you attach them.


Garry Collinson

Does Entourage 2004 support PGP/MIME yet? From what I can work out, no, but
I could of course be wrong. Any plans to include this feature, if it isn't
already included?

Walt Basil

Does Entourage 2004 support PGP/MIME yet? From what I can work out, no, but
I could of course be wrong. Any plans to include this feature, if it isn't
already included?

You can digitally sign messages and encrypt them using CA.

I have instructions here:

From the Entourage Help:
About digitally signed and encrypted messages
Microsoft Entourage provides two ways to protect the privacy of your
€ Encryption, which makes the message unreadable to anyone other than the
intended recipient.
When you send a message that is encrypted, the message must be encrypted
using a certificate (public key) for each recipient. You must also encrypt
the message for yourself so that you can read it once it is sent or saved in
the Drafts folder. The recipient will be able to read the message because it
contains information that matches the private key stored on the recipient's
computer. You obtain certificates by receiving digitally signed messages
from others and storing their certificates in your Entourage Address Boo€
Digital signatures, which assures the recipient that the message is really
from you.
When you send a message that is digitally signed, the message signature
contains the issuer name and a serial number that uniquely identifies the
digital identity used to sign the message. The message also includes the
certificate (public key) and the validation chain (chain of trust). The
recipient uses this certificate (public key) to verify which private key was
used to sign the message. The recipient can also store the certificate in a
contact list so that the recipient will always be able to verify digitally
signed messages from you. You can choose either method or both methods for
any message. Encryption and digital signing are most often used by
corporations or government agencies that have a heightened security
Before you can digitally sign or encrypt a message, you must obtain a
digital ID. A digital ID contains a certificate (public key) and a private
key. The private key remains on your computer in a secure location. The same
digital ID can be used for both digitally signing and encrypting. You can
store and use more than one digital ID on your computer.
To get an Internet digital ID, you must obtain one from a certification
authority. To view a list of certification authorities, see Where to Get
Your Digital ID on http://office.microsoft.com/assistance/. Clicking this
link will open your Web browser. Most companies charge a small fee for their
certificate services. Sometimes they offer a free trial period.

Walt Basil

My Office site:

You can email me at (firstname)AT(lastname)web.net

Garry Collinson

Thanks, Walt. I have done this already with a free cert from Thawte. I just
wanted to continue to use the PGP desktop that I already use (and paid for).
PGP works fine, it just isn't as well integrated (and featured) as Mail.app
IMHO and was curious as to if there were plans to have full PGP/MIME
capabilities using the PGP mail plugin.

Thanks anyway.


Garry Collinson

From PGP help:
PGP/MIME Entourage X = No
Encrypt + Sign plain text = YES
Decrypt/Verify plain text = YES
Auto-decrypt = NO
Encrypt HTML = NO
Preserve text formatting = NO
Encrypt attachments = NO
Encrypt/Sign defaults = NO
Print decrypted email = YES

Mail.app has YES for all. Note, this is for Entourage X and not 2004.

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