Entourage not connecting using parental controls



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I am using Entourage 11.4.0 on Leopard 10.5.4. When Parental controls are on I can not connect to exchange server. I have gone so far as to allow everthing in Parental controls still to no avail.
Entourage works fine as the administrator which I do not want my 30 users to be.
Will Entourage work with Parental controsl on?

Thanks in advance for any help.


William Smith [MVP]

I am using Entourage 11.4.0 on Leopard 10.5.4. When Parental controls
are on I can not connect to exchange server. I have gone so far as to
allow everthing in Parental controls still to no avail. Entourage
works fine as the administrator which I do not want my 30 users to
be. Will Entourage work with Parental controsl on?

Hi Dan!

Anything should be able to work with parental controls so long as
permissions are set correctly.

Entourage uses several shared components within the Microsoft Office
2004 folder. Have you also allowed everything within the folder too?



Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://nine.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/youtalk>
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/meck>


Hi Dan!

Anything should be able to work with parental controls so long as
permissions are set correctly.

Entourage uses several shared components within the Microsoft Office
2004 folder. Have you also allowed everything within the folder too?



Entourage Help Page
Entourage Help Blog
Twitter: follow

Do you know of anyone who users entourage in my scenerio?
I did give full writes to the office folder which did not work. Any other suggetions?


Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I am using Entourage 11.4.0 on Leopard 10.5.4. When Parental controls are on
I can not connect to exchange server. I have gone so far as to allow
everthing in Parental controls still to no avail.
Entourage works fine as the administrator which I do not want my 30 users to
Will Entourage work with Parental controsl on?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Are you sue the firewall isn't preventing the connection?

Send responses to the relevant news group rather than to me, as
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filter. Due to Google's refusal to prevent spammers from posting
messages through their servers, I often ignore posts from Google
Groups. Use a real news client if you want me to see your posts.


My firewall is wide open.


I just got off the phone with Apple. They do not have entourage to test. We walked through all the steps and it does seeem to be a bug.
Is this site sponsored by Microsoft?

Barry Wainwright

Jolly said:
Who would "they" be, exactly?

To clarify,

there are people within MacBU where part of their job function is to
look through the newsgroup postings from time to time to glean the
common topics and gather general feedback about their products. This
does not happen every day and they are under no obligation to answer
posts at all (in some cases, they may not be competent to answer
technical issues)

There is nobody in MacBU who has a responsibility as part of their job
function to answer queries in these groups. Any questions answered here
by MS personnel (and some do get answered from time to time) are
answered in that person's own time, not as part of their job.

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